ch 7; Disappointments

978 21 8

Since Junta as always persuade Sasaki to let Junta taking Takato home, Takato has to walk home.
Junta drives slowly beside Takato.
"Takato-chan? Get in the car..." Junta tells the angry man who grits his teeth and speeds up his steps.
Junta sighs and speeds up the car.
"Come one... You aren't living nearby... Let me drive you home..."
Takato snorts and tries pushing him to walk faster even though he is almost starting to run now.
Since Takato isn't answering, Junta sighs sadly.
Takato inhales sharply and stops walking.
Junta jolts and stops the car.
Takato starts shaking of embarrassment and his pale face turns into deep red.
"Sweetie?..." Junta asks in concern and tilts his head while he places his arm on the car door there the window is rolled down.
Takato turns against him and points at him.
  "S-shut up baka... Don't call me by those names outside by people..." he blushes.
Junta raises his eyebrows.
Then Takato inhales and lower his finger.
"Or...Never call me that... It's embarrassing..." he adds and looks shyly at the ground.
The passing people on the street looks asking at them.
Junta snickers.
"Then jump in... If you aren't-...I will keep giving you cute petnames..." Junta teases smirking.
Takato wides his eyes and moves immediately to the car there he tries opening the door to the backseat.
But the moment he places his hand on the door handle the door clicks and get locked.
Takato snorts and tries pulling the door.
"Fuck...Open the door Chunta..." he begs clicking with his tongue frustrated.
Junta glances at him through the side mirror.
"You must sit next to me, ba-..." he starts telling Takato who flinchs and moves immediately to the right door according Junta.
The blond man chuckles and isn't ending the last word 'baby'.
Takato enters the car and closes the door.
Junta reaches out his hand against Takato's thigh.
"Don't you dare to touch me" Takato grunts and takes on the seat belt while he glares pissed at Junta.
  Junta jolts.
"Hai..Hai..." he chuckles nervously and put his hands on the steering wheel.
Takato snorts and leans against the door while Junta starts driving away.
"Close the window..."
Junta's hand moves immediately to the door there he pushes the button to roll up the window.
The window rolls up but isn't rolling up completely. Junta left five centrimeter opened.
Takato snorts bothered.
"All the way up..."

The moment Junta stops the car outside Takato's apartment, Takato opens the door and walks out from the car.
The car gets turned off and Junta throws up the door.
"Takato-chan!...wait..." he begs and closes the door and locks the car before he runs after Takato.
Takato furrows his eyebrows bothered.
"No chunta!..."
"Takato-chan!" Junta says again and grabs Takato's shoulder and turns him against him.
"IDIOT!" Takato shouts and slaps away Junta's hand from him.
"Eh?" The blond man tilts his head confused.
Takato grits his teeth.
"I'm actually really angry at you! So... Leave me alone you fucking stalker..."
Junta sighs before he pulls Takato into his arms.
The shocked man gasps loudly and stumbles into Junta's bosom.
"I'm sorry..." Junta whispers against Takato's hair.
Takato inhales gasping and push away Junta.
"A simple apology won't forgive you!..." he points out before he turns around and walks into the building there he takes the stairs to his apartment.
Junta takes some steps against the building when his phone suddenly starts buzzing.
He jolts and takes up his phone.
"Hai?" He greets.
"I have the information you asked for...Let's meet somewhere private" a male voice tells him.
Junta grins.
"Great...Let's meet at our usual place" he says before he hangs up and walks back to the car.

Takato walks furiously around in the apartment.
"Where in hell did he walked off to?!" Takato grunts and can't believe Junta actually left him alone.
He walks pissed to the door and glances through the small hole trying to see if Junta stands outside.
"Meh?!" He walks frustrated away from the door since no one stands outside the apartment.
"Is Chunta fucking with me?!... How can that bastard be annoying even when he isn't bugging me?!" He snorts and walks out to the kitchen.
With angry movements he opens the fridge and starts cramming cupcake after cupcake into his mouth.
"Fucking...Chunta..." he grunts and swallows down chocolate cupcakes.
"Geeez...I hate him!!!" He says and grab the milk box he opens and starts drinking directly from.
Suddenly he choked on the milk and starts coughing.
He lower the milk box and gets some milk on him.
His eyes start tearing up and he isn't sure if they are tearing up since he is coughing from getting milk in the trachea or he is disappointed that Junta left him.
  When he has got control of his breathing he puts back the milk in the fridge.
Then he takes up his phone and walks against the bathroom.
  His finger is above the calling up button to Junta's phone.
Takato starts tugging on his bottom lip with his teeth, not knowing if he should call Junta or not.
He presses away Junta's number with a snort. But almost immediately he regrets that and calls Junta anyway.

Staring at himself through the mirror in the toilet he waits for Junta to answer his call.
He looks shyly at himself.
His cheeks have an annoying blush on them. And even his ears are red and pretty warm.
Then these eyes! He hates how these eyes scream after sexual pleasure. How they reveal his true inner. The side who want letting Junta to do as he pleases with him.
"The person you tries reaching can't answers for the moment-..." Takato grits his teeth and hangs up.
"Fuck...FUCK...FUCK..." he leans heavily at the sink.
"Damn Chunta... Since when did I told you to actually leave me alone?!" He asks before he sobs and disappointed tears starts falling on his flushed face.

Someone pushes the door bell the same second Takato takes off his shirt.
"Huh?! Takato drops the shirt on the floor in the bathroom.
"Chunta?" He mumbles and inhales deeply before he dashes away against the door.
The corners of his lips curls up into a happy smile.
He pulls down the door handle.
"Didn't I told you to leave me alone you IDI...-ot..." he shouts while he opens the door and gets silent when he sees Andreas with his portfolio and water bottle.
"Hi?" Andreas exhales asking and raises an eyebrow when he sees Takato without shirt.
He starts eyeing Takato and notices how the slender man have some muscles.
Takato starts stumbling some words while his blushes gets more intensely.
"" Andreas raises the hand with the portfolio.
"You forgot your stuff today..." he explains.
Takato grabs his portfolio and presses  it against his chest.
"You didn't have to-..." he mumbles and looks away.
"Thanks..." he adds and make Andreas to smile.
Then Takato starts shaking and holding the portfolio tighter.
Andreas raises an asking eyebrow.
"I-..." Takato cries.
Andreas wides his eyes and gasps before he wraps his arms around Takato.
"Huh?" Takato wides his eyes surprised.
Andreas leans his head against Takato's and shushes while he runs his hand into Takato's hair.
"Everything will be alright..." he shushes.
Takato blinks away some tears while his heart pounds faster.
Then he notices. How something hard yet soft pokes at his thigh.
He whines and tries leaning away.
Andreas holds him tighter and sighs.
"Never mind that...Please..."
"....uhm..." he blushes and tries not focusing at Andreas's bonner.
Takato starts shivering of arousal.
He gulps.
"My neighbors can see us...Let's close the door..." he begs.
Andreas chuckles and let's go off Takato.
"Oh-kay" he grins and walks into the apartment and closes the door behind him.

They sits silently at the couch before Andreas takes up his manuscript from his backpack.
"Let's repeating our lines when I'm still here..." Andreas suggests.
Takato flinchs.
"Don't tell me...You..." he starts saying shyly.
"Huh? Andreas looks asking up from the manuscript he just opened.
Takato swallows.
"Don't tell me you want to do the kiss scene again..." he blushes.
Andreas blinks confused some seconds before he starts laughing.
Takato jolts and looks embarrassed at his own hands.
"Naw...You are really cute..." Andreas says chuckling.
Takato winced.
"I'm no-..." he tilts his head up a bit to look at Andreas when Andreas suddenly placed his hand on Takato's backhead and starts kissing him.
"Hm?!" Takato wides his eyes while his heart skips a beat of the sudden kiss.
The black haired man notices how Andreas tastes cinnamon today.
He tastes good, Takato thinks and starts closing his eyes when he suddenly jolts and breaks the kiss.
"Hey! I have a boyfriend..." he points out and leans away from Andreas.
Andreas looks confused as he hasn't stop kissing Takato in his mind yet.
"I know..." he sighs and clears his throat while he flips some pages in the manuscript.
"I..." Takato says and stands up.
He starts walking out from the living room.
"Where are you going?" Andreas gasps.
"I need a new shirt or something..." he mutters and walks into his bedroom.

Meanwhile a man with suit and sunglasses hands over some papers to Junta at a suspicious bar.
"Here... I found the information you wanted and got someone to translate it for you..." the man says before he puts a cigar between his lips and light it.
Junta nods and starts eyeing the papers.
Andreas Falk 22 Y/O arrested for drug offence and gets three years prison...

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