ch 3; the first rehearsal

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Takato sits on the backseat while he holds the manuscript tightly.
He tries reading it and keep away the upset feelings about being third place of that stupid rankings.
He can't stop thinking of that man from Sweden. How small he is around his waist while he has broad shoulders.
Takato swallows sharply.
Can't put his finger what he is feeling exactly.
He thinks he is jealous of being outrank by that newcomer who isn't even Japanese.
But there is also another feeling. A feeling he can't put his finger on.
He starts fidgeting.
His manager looks asking at him through the car mirror.
"Something wrong Saijo-san?"
Takato inhales sharply while he starts blushing.
"It-...It's nothing" he mumbles and cover his face with the manuscript in front his head.
Sasaki raises an asking eyebrow but let it pass and keeps focusing on the traffic instead.
Takato's head starts pounding, not like a headache. It's like his head is spinning around of thousands thought who make him nervous and fidgeting on the seat.
His body starts heating and his presses his legs against each other.
The words on the manuscript starts jumping around and he can't focusing on his lines.
Not like he must knowing the lines right now. It's only rehearsal today.
The first day of their work together with the new movie.
Probably they will just focusing on getting knowing each other today than reading their lines loudly from the manuscript while they sit in a ring on their chairs.

The moment he walks into the meeting room he hears someone speaking at English.
He raises an eyebrow and looks asking around.
Suddenly he spots red hair. Dyed hair since that isn't natural red hair.
The hair is pretty bright, like fresh blood.
Takato jolts and wides his eyes shocked.
His feet won't move any forward. They are stuck by the door and his heart starts beating loudly and rapidly.
It's like last year, Takato thinks. When he got stolen of his first place by Junta Azumaya and they ended up with working together.
He grits his teeth angrily. The destiny seems laughing at him.
He flinchs when ice blue eyes are looking asking at him while the person is snickering.
"Ah!..." Andreas starts walking quickly against him.
Takato stiffen. Don't come...Don't come.
"You are Takato-San right?!" Andreas asks smiling at English.
Takato inhales while his face gets red.
"Uhm..." he furrows his eyebrows shyly. He isn't used to hear a stranger calling him by first name.
"Do-...Ehm...Do you from your country always use someone's first name?" Takato asks with a bit shaky English.
Andreas jolts.
"Oh right! Ehm... What was your last name...Sj-..." Andreas hums thoughtfully.
"Saijo..." Takato fills in and looks down on Andreas chest. He feels too embarrassed to look at his face.
It seems Andreas is a bit taller than him. About five centrimeter or something.
"Oh... Saijo-san then?"
Takato looks up at his face and his heart skip a beat of the other man's gently smile.
"Uhm" he nods.
"You are ehm...Falk-s..." he starts asking.
Andreas puts a hand between them and shakes his head.
"Please... Call me Andreas" he begs.
Takato inhales sharply.
Andreas chuckles and run a hand through his hair.
" Swedish last name aren't made to use like this... I would feel too embarrassed if people call me Falk...It sound too weird... Your last name sounds at least as a real name" he explains shrugging.
Suddenly the blonde man with eyeglasses who will be their director during the scenes of the new movie approach them.
"Great you two have meet each other..." the director smiles against them.
"Sazuki-san... It's a pleasure to work with you again" Takato says smiling and reaches out his hand to the director.
The director nods and grabs his hand into a handshake.
"Saijo-san... The pleasure is mine... Please, help Andreas and learn him everything you can "
They let go off their hands and the director looks asking at Andreas.
"And please... Help Saijo-san with the guitar"
Takato jolts while Andreas nods.
He looks asking and pissed at his manager who comes from behind.
"What's wrong?" The manager asks with a nervous smile.
"Nothing" he snorts.
Geez, I have only guitar skills from the school. What if I'm supposed to play guitar as I were some kind of pro?!
Andreas puts a hand on Takato's shoulder and make the man to jolt.
"Don't worry Saijo-san... I will help you with the guitar... I have'd trained my little brother with playing guitar... I know how to help someone to develop their skills at guitar playing... You have nothing to worry about " he chuckles smiling.
Takato's heart skips another beat and he has to curse himself for getting excited of the newcomer.
"Thanks" he says and shakes off Andreas's hand and pass him while he walks into the big room.
He sits down on one of the chairs around the big table.
Andreas startles him by taking the next seat to him.
"The seat isn't taken yet, right?" Andreas smiles.
Takato shakes his flushed head.
"Perfect" Andreas says and opens his own manuscript spread on the table.
Takato glances curiously at the manuscript. It's on Japanese like his own manuscript.
"Can you Japanese?" He asks.
Andreas inhales shocked and looks up from the manuscript and looks asking at Takato.
"Y-yeah... Kind of..." he blushes.
"Hm?" Takato leans his head on his palm and looks asking at the red haired man.
"What do you mean?"
Andreas shrugs.
"I understands Japanese... And I can read... But I can't talk..." he chuckles nervously.
"Except the lines I have memorized and say in front the camera" he adds.
"Ohh... Then you just need some experience with using the language while you are talking"
Andreas chuckles.
"You can probably put it in that way, yeah" he chuckles and run a hand through his hair.
Takato presses his lips thoughtfully together.
"Then I can talk in Japanese around you?"
"Yup" Andreas nods.

When the working day finally end the group suggest they will go out somewhere and take some drinks.
Many drinks later; Takato starts hiccuping and moving a slightly from side to side.
Andreas raises a brow.
"Everything alright Saijo-san?"
Takato flinchs and points at Andreas.
"Yeah! Except you are a wannabe Japanese who aren't even trying to talk Japanese..."
Andreas looks shocked at him.
"Not only that... Y-.." Takato says before he hiccups.
"You stole my first place!!!" He snorts.
"First place?" Andreas tilts his head asking.
"EH?!" Takato grabs Andreas's collar and stares pissed at him.
" Are you playing dumb?!"
"I don't know what you are talking about" Andreas chuckles nervously and waves his hands.
Takato grits his teeth and snorts while he takes away his hand from Andreas's collar on his white shirt who have details who almost make it looks like a blouse instead.
"Idiot! ... But what should I expect of a newbie who is wet behind his ears?!" He snorts and starts drinking more.
Sasaki chuckles nervously and rub his backhead with his hand.
"I deeply apologies for Saijo-san's behaviors... He uses to pick fights with people when he is drunk...Sorry..." the manager apologies.
"Ah... I see..." Andreas nods.
Andreas jolts when he feels how Takato leans heavily against his shoulder.
"Saijo-san?" He asks blushing and raises his eyebrows.
"Shut up..." Takato says and makes a grimace with closed eyes.
"I'm tired..." he adds and make Andreas's heart skip a beat.
The red haired's heart starts pounding faster when he notices how long eyelashes Takato has.
Sasaki looks asking at Andreas.
"Perhaps I should take Saijo-san home..." the manager says and starts shifting his body to stand up.
Andreas inhales quickly.
"I can get him home... I should actually get going on my own anyway" Andreas suggests.
Sasaki stops his try to stand up and stay sitting.
"Thanks you..."
"No problem" Andreas smiles and tries getting Takato to stand up.
"Time to go home..." he tells Takato who grunts.
"That's why I will take you home... Time for bed"

Takato is stumbling home with his arm around Andreas's broad shoulders while Andreas has an arm around Takato's waist.
"I can walk on my own..." Takato barks.
Andreas snickers and make Takato staring more pissed at him.
"What's funny?!"
"Nothing... You are just cute when you are drunk"
Takato wides his eyes and starts punching Andreas on his chest.
"Baka! BAKAaa..." he shouts blushing.
Andreas laughs heartwarming and make Takato silent.

When they get home to Takato's place, Andreas help him with taking off his shoes before he help him to the bed.
Andreas puts on the blanket on Takato when he is laying on the bed.
"Yeah?" Takato asks and looks asking at Andreas he has leaning above him.
"Let's meet tomorrow and train on our lines and your guitar skills"
Takato blinks heavily as he is about to fall asleep.
Andreas smiles and run his hand through Takato's bangs.
"Sweet dreams..." he says and starts standing upright when Takato suddenly grabs his wrist.
Andreas raises an eyebrow.
Andreas heart starts beating loudly.
"I-..." Andreas wet his lips.
"I can sing a lullaby for you and then leave the apartment when you have fall asleep"
Takato closes his eyes and let's go off Andreas's wrist.
Andreas smiles softly and sits next to Takato on the edge of the bed.
He inhales deeply before he starts singing.
Before Takato falls asleep the thought; huh? An angel sings, appears...

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