ch 18 part two

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About a year ago, I'd made part two in another book. But it got erased 'Cause someone reported that book *sighs*...
But here I am again... With my second version of ch 18 p.2 : D
This part 2 won't be a perfect copy of the former version... Obviously 'Cause it was about a year since I wrote the first version... And I can't remember every detail xD
But hopefully you will enjoy the smutty part~☆

Junta was manly built, and didn't suited in any dress.
Which Andreas also thought, since he couldn't keep himself from bursting out into short laughter from time to time.
Something Takato got upset over. Despite he only wanted to embarrass Junta in first place, he also want to make a serious video. Maybe it was his life as actor who makes him taking this seriously?!
"Cut!' Takato interrupts with a low growl, and lowered the video camera where he pauses the recording.
Junta and Andreas grunt surprised, and look curiously at him.
The dark haired man sighs, and looks up at them.
"Andreas-... I don't care how funny Chunta might looks right now... You are an actor and should be able to take this seriously... So, stop laughing and pull yourself together" he scolds.
Andreas looks somewhat ashamed of himself and leans away from Junta.
"R-right-... I'm sorry Takato-san..." Andreas apologies and runs a hand through the shoulder long hair.
Junta looks surprised at Takato since the shorter man seems taking this a lot more serious than he thought he would.
The blonde smirks.

Takato raises the camera again and starts looking through the screen.
"...Let's start over..."
Andreas nods and walks out from the room.
"And action!" Takato says when everyone were ready to start over.

Knock Knock

The young woman in green dress, played by Junta, jolts from the bed.
"Who is it?" Sakura aka Junta asks in a low high-pitched voice.
"It's me-... Riku-... I-..." Riku aka Andreas says and pulls down the door handle where he enters the room.
"Riku-kun! What are you-..." Junta says in a higher voice, and sits up a slightly more from the half-laying position he just had.
Andreas blinks few times before he exhales a short laugh through the pressed lips.
The red-haired man really did his best to stay serious as Takato told him to... But he couldn't.
Just seeing Junta in the dress and the cheap platinum blond wig, makes him lose control.

"ANDREAS!" Takato yells in despair and pauses the recording again.
Andreas chuckles and wipes few tears away.
"Sorry... Sorry... Give me one more chance..." Andreas waves with the hand up and down, toward him.
While Takato rolls the eyes, Andreas turns toward the door.
"...Fine-..." Takato mutters.
Andreas walks out from the room while Junta looks somewhat pleased.
Maybe it won't be any video at all?
"Action!" Takato says with less motivation this time.

Knock Knock

Junta grunts a bit surprised and turns the eyes at the door.
"Who is it?"
The man behind the door clears the throat and places the hand on the door handle.
"It's me... Riku... I-..." Andreas says and walks in.
Junta gasps and sits more upright.
"RIKU-KUN?!-...What are you doing here?... What if my brother sees you here?!"
Andreas shakes the head, and closes the door behind him.
"I couldn't resist you anymore... Every night before I fall asleep... You are lingering in my mind... Every single encounter with you, are buried in my heart... Don't you still love me, Sakura-Chan?" The red haired man asks worried, and walks toward the bed where he climbs onto it.
The blond man furrows the eyebrows and looks away.
"You know my heart still belongs you... It will always belong you Riku-kun... But-..." Junta says and glances seriously at Andreas who leans a slightly over him.
"...- My family wouldn't approve you... And if my brother ever finds out you are touching me... he will kill you, despite you are his best friend..."
Andreas scoffs and places the hands on Junta's cheeks.
"I don't care!" He hisses in high whispering, and stares into Junta's eyes with the faces just a few centimeters apart.
Junta's heart skips a beat.
Andreas inhales deeply.
"If your family won't approve me... I will steal you in the night and run away with you... Somewhere far, far away ... I don't even care if my friend will hate me... You are the only one who really matters to me... I love you Sakura-Chan... -And I have done that, since the day where I first saw you..." Andreas protests.
A few seconds later, he presses the lips at Junta's.
At first, Junta gives the impression, he was confused. But then he relaxes and wraps the arms softly around Andreas' shoulders. And kissing him back with soft moans.

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