ch 3; The persistent ringing

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Junta was obviously annoyed over the situation.
No, he wasn't annoyed on a certain person except those creeps who made Takato miserable. But he was annoyed over the situation with Takato and him.
After the situation where Takato got kidnapped and raped. And found out about his secret as the son to a yakuza. Junta tried giving him some space. A space where Takato could land in the new situation.
During that moment, Junta fell hardly for the opportunities Andreas gave him. There, they could be open in public.
Even though Takato's shyness was charming... He still wanted to behave the same as a couple would.
Dating openly, holding hands, and parting ways with a kiss.
Which Andreas could give him.
So-... By accident, Junta walked further and further away from Takato.
Which might have backfired now.

Andreas raises the brow over Junta's tense behavior, where he munched loudly on some mints. Sitting next the window on a chair. The head leaning at the back of the hand whose elbow is placed on the small and cold disc by the window. Staring out through the window on nothing particular. Barely noticing the people who walked down on the street.
   While Andreas tries tying the hair in a short ponytail, he looks curiously at Takato.
"Do you know why Junta is upset?"
Takato scoffs.
"No-... I-...It's not like I care what's going on in his head." he says coldly.
"If he wants to sulk about something... That's his problem." he snorts and walks toward the door when the phone on the nightstand, next the double bed, suddenly starts ringing loudly.
Takato grunts surprised and picks the old-fashioned phone up whose wires bounced when he placed the phone against the ear.
"... Hello?" He clears the throat.
During a few seconds, he heard heavy breathing from the other line and weird noises.
Takato raises a brow.
"... Hello? Is someone there?" He asks and gets curious glances from the other two. There, Junta sits upright.
Out of nowhere, the phone clicked with annoying beeping at the end until the phone died.

Takato raises the brow further up in confusion and returns the phone on its place.
"... Weird..." he mumbles with an uneasy feeling in the gut.
Andreas walks slightly closer to him.
" What was that about?"
Takato turns around and shrugs.
" I don't know -... The phone rang, and when I answered, nothing... Only mere breathing from the other line... Then they hung up..." he explains and makes the other to shudder.
Andreas shrugs with a nervous laugh.
" Maybe they accidentally called? And when they noticed the mistake, they hung up without explaining themselves?" He suggests and wasn't convinced by himself... Perhaps he is more paranoid since they are in Sweden? There bad memories from the past, are hunting him?

Takato shrugs.
" Maybe..." he simply says before walking toward the door.
"... Let's go -... We didn't come the whole way to Sweden to rot in a hotel room, did we?" He mutters and opens the door where he walks out.

The dark-haired man's usual, a bit cold, and serious attitude caused Andreas to forget about his paranoia at the moment.
The red-haired man nods where the small ponytail bounced a little and tickles over the neck.
" Of course not!... It would be pretty pointless when we could've done it in Japan as well..." he chuckles and walks with jumpy steps toward the door.

Junta keeps eyeing those two, and when Andreas is about to walk out through the already opened door, he stands up from the chair.
The blonde man looks asking at the phone for a brief moment.
Then he exhales through the nose and walks out through the door as well, where he locks the door after him.


The good weather where the sun is shining warmly at them gets Andreas in a better mood.
" I love this town... Bad things usually don't happen here... Probably due most young people in their early twenties are students whose ambitions are higher than being a jerk whose highest dream is getting allowance from the government and using them on alcohol at the weekend..." he chuckles while walking around in the city whose name is Lund.
The red-haired man walks in the middle of them, where the other two listen while looking around.
Takato glances at him.
"So? The town is pretty much safe?" He says while someone starts ringing loudly and frequently on the bell to a bike from behind.

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