ch 15; Aaaand action

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Takato is literally pulling Andreas to the work.
Holding his hand and forced him to show early up at work. About a hour earlier.
The black haired man have'd called the director since he wanted to talk with him about an important matter.
The director looks asking from the chair he sits by the desk.
He is looking from Andreas to Takato and back to Andreas.
Takato slams his hands on the desk and leans against the director.
"Sir...Sazuki-san... Hear me out...You can't fire Andreas!"
"Fire?" Sazuki-san asks while he adjust his eyeglasses who had slipping down a slightly on his nose.
" He is too great to throw away... His guitar play is awesome, and have you heard him sing? His voice is too beautiful to throw away because of some news... " Takato keeps saying and isn't letting the director to interrupt him.
Andreas blinks confused of Takato sudden urge to help him.
The red haired man smiles gently and feels loved by Takato.
Takato inhales deeply.
" You can fire that idiot...Junta Azumaya... But Andreas is innocent and too great to fire..." Takato adds which make Andreas to giggle a little. Not sure if he should pity Junta or be jealous.
Maybe Takato isn't loving him enough to insult him in front other yet?
Perhaps he should feel a slightly jealous at Junta to get Takato's completely attention like this?
The blond haired director clears his throat, making Takato to flinch.
"Don't worry Saijo-san... We won't fire someone for that article..." he smiles gently and intertwines his fingers.
Takato stands upright.
"You won't?" He tilts his head confused.
The director shakes his head.
"No... This article is actually great..." he smiles and make Takato to gasp surprised.
" This is like the perfect publicity... To be honest... I were hoping you and Andreas would start dating instead... That would be even better... But even this, will make the right audience to find out about our movie " he chuckles pleased.
Takato feels how he is out of words.
He never thought the day there a gay couple would be approved, would come. At least not in show business.
Perhaps he could have been more opened about his and Junta's relationship.
Now it's too late.
The people around him will see Junta and Andreas as a couple.
Butting in and claiming Junta or Andreas as his boyfriend would only look weird.
Being the weirdo who has two boyfriends wouldn't look good. And Takato can probably then kiss his life as actor good bye.
Which Andreas and Junta probably would have to, too.


Takato sighs while some men and women are preparing the next scene, the one there the band; given, is supposed to play their first song with vocals.
Andreas looks asking at him.
"Aren't you happy? That, neither Junta nor me have to leave this project?" He asks while Junta is passing nearby.
Takato shrugs.
"I'm just confused... I thought he would fire you both...Or at least one of you..." he explains one of the reasons he is sighing.
Junta starts approaching them.
"I knew he wouldn't fire us..." he smirks.
Takato jolts and looks asking at him.
Junta shrugs.
"I called him shortly after you showed us the news... And apologized for our mistake...Then he told me there weren't any problems "
Takato gasps.
"And you couldn't told me that earlier, baka?!" He asks upset.
Junta starts chuckling while the director begs the walk-ons to enter the stage and standing as audience.
Andreas smirks while he sees the walk-ons entering the stage.
He leans against Takato with his mouth close to his ear.
"It seems we will soon be kissing..." he whispers.
Takato inhales sharply while he jolts and starts blushing.
"Eh...R-right..." he gulps and cover his mouth with the back of his hand as he is afraid Andreas would trying to steal a kiss from him. Right there, right now.
Junta looks asking at them.
"It isn't fair to whisper! I want to know to..." he grins.
"Can the actors who play the members of the band; Given, enter the stage?!" The director shouts.
Andreas smirks at Junta.
" You will find out soon" he tells him before he walks against the stage.

Takato swallows nervously when he takes on the black and white guitar.
Even though he knows they are adding everyone else's instrument except Andreas's afterwards, he is feeling really nervous.
His hands starts getting damp of sweat and his heart starts racing nervously. Both of pretending to play music but also because of the kiss scene between him and Andreas.
Will he really be able to kiss him?
Each time he had kissed someone, they use to be the one to kiss him first.
Never has he taken the command and kissed someone.
Except for work.
But it has only been women he had kissed then.
Thinking about kissing another man makes him nervous.
He really wishes it was Andreas's character who were the one to kiss him and not the opposite.
Or even better; he hadn't to kiss another man in front strangers.
"Aaand action..." the director tells them.
Takato swallows and starts moving his fingers with stiff movements over the strings.
He is supposed to look confident but he is feeling other than that.
His eyebrows furrows insecurity and he tries taking a few steps around on the spot he stands.
But to be honest; he feels as Frankenstein monster who are stumbling around on stage, not understanding what he is doing and supposed to do.
Andreas inhales deeply and is about to sing when the director stops them.
"CUUUT..." Sazuki-san shouts and the actors and the walk-ons stop doing what they are doing and turn their faces against him.
The director sighs.
"What are you doing Saijo-san? You are supposed to act as an older teen, not my grandma who are dancing with her friends at Fridays..." the director complains while he adjust his eyeglasses.
Takato narrows his eyes while his cheeks start heating up of shame.
"I'm sorry sir..." Takato apologizes with a small bow.
The director nods.
"Let's start over....Aaaand action..."
Takato swallows and tries ignoring the gaze from Junta.  How he is pitying Takato.
Instead he let's his fingers moves on the guitar.
They still feel pretty stiff, but he feels how he starts relaxing a bit and his movements feel more natural.
Andreas inhales and starts singing.
Both Junta and Takato inhales surprised and looks with widened eyes at him.
The red haired man's voice touch them gently as a hug when he sings.
Takato feels how he starts tearing up a little.
Warmth spreads in his chest and gives him the urge to throw away his whole career.
He really wish he could live freely with Junta and Andreas without everyone's eyes on them...

They have to do the scene with the song some times until it gets right.
Takato made some mistake with the guitar but at last he did great.
Okay, he wasn't playing for real, but they couldn't let him obviously playing wrong. It would look too fake at the screen.
Then it's finally time for the kissing scene.
Andreas as Mafuyu Sato leaves the scene there Takato as Ritsuka Uenoyama walks after him.
They start saying their lines as they are supposed to, but then Takato is hesitating with the kiss.
The black haired man starts blushing and hangs his head sighing.
"Cut...Let's start over from there Uenoyama-kun catches up with Mafuyu-kun..." the director shouts.
Takato sighs.
"I'm sorry..." he apologies and is preparing to start over the kiss scene.
"It's no problem...Just relax and it will turn out fine..." the director says.

They start over with their lines and when it's time for the kiss, Takato fails again.
He places his hands on Andreas's shoulders and starts leaning slowly towards him.
Takato starts trembling nervously when he moves his lips closer to Andreas's.
Andreas gasps softly and looks happily at Takato.
He is about to close his eyes and getting kissed when Takato suddenly flinches.
"What are you doing, baka!?" Takato shouts and slams his palm at Andreas's face.
"Gah!" Andreas stumbles shocked backward.
"CUUUT!!!" The director shouts while Junta snickers beside him.
Takato jolts as he just woke up.
"Huh! I'm sorry..." he blushes and looks apologizing at Andreas who caress his face.
"Are you alright Andreas?" Takato asks and seems as he wants to touch Andreas but doesn't dare to.
Andreas exhales while he lower his hand from his face.
" I'm fine... Just relax... The kiss is just a part of the work, right?" He smiles.
Takato gasps.
"Uhm...R-right..." he nods.
Takato inhales deeply and closes his eyes. Trying to convince himself to get this over with.
One kiss and then he doesn't has to do it again.
"Let's do only the kiss..." the director suggests.
Andreas nods and moves a little closer to Takato.
"Aaand action..."
Takato opens his eyes and runs his hand through Andreas's hair while he leans against him.
Then he presses his lips gently and fast at Andreas's lips.
Andreas inhales surprised while he wides his eyes.
Takato parts his lips from Andreas's and looks shocked into his ice blue eyes.
Then he grabs his hand and starts pulling him away.
"Come..." he says while he feels how he almost could fainting right there.
Andreas stumbles after him and starts smiling.
"And cut!" The director shouts.
The man starts smiling satisfied.
"That was great... Thank...Let's take a short break before we proceeds..."

Junta walks over to Andreas and Takato.
"Wow... You did great!... Aaand Takato-chaaaan..." Junta starts saying with a bright smile.
Takato tilts his head and let's go off Andreas's hand.
"How about you tries doing the same with me as you did with Andreas?"
Takato flinches with a frown.
"I don't understand what you are talk-.."
"The kiss"
"NO!" Takato answers immediately and starts walking down from the stage.
"Eh..." Junta looks disappointed at him.
"Why not Takato-chan?... It isn't fair... Why did Andreas got a kiss from you and not me?" He whines and walks after Takato.
Andreas smirks and let's them walking away with him left at the stage.
Takato stiffen and turns around there he grabs Junta's shirt.
"Shut up, baka... Don't say or do unnecessary stuff around others...That kiss was a part of the manuscript..." Takato whispers loudly and stares irritated into Junta's eyes.
Junta parts his lips surprised.
Then he snickers.
"Okay...Then I will maybe write my own manuscript and let you do some nasty stuff with me at home..." he smirks.
Takato starts shaking his head and is about to protest when he sees how Junta lits up as he just got a brilliant idea.
Takato inhales sharply and gets bad feelings about this.
"Whatever you are thinking about...forget about it you damn horny angel!"
Junta grins.
"Hai hai..." he chuckles and doesn't seems as he is about to let's go off the idea he just got...

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