part four; give me Takato back!

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Takato can't stop shaking.
His body is moving on its own, trembling as a leaf as he was cold.
He has body liquids over his body who is neither his, Junta's nor Andreas's.
Tears start falling again.
He never thought Chihiro would try anything with him again.
The golden brown haired man had touched him on his hip and back during the play they both were a part of, trying to seduce him. He had even left a hickey while Takato was drunk and had fallen asleep.
But that's it.
After that have'd Chihiro left him alone and Takato could exhale relieved.
He thought he was safe, but apparently he wasn't.
And now he can feel Chihiro's semen sticking inside him.
The feeling is gross. He feels how vomit is in the bottom of his throat, wanting to leave his body.
He can even feel the taste of salt on his tongue.
The other weird man have'd emptying himself inside Takato's mouth one time, before he decided to continue using him and then emptying himself across Takato's stomach too.
Then he had left him alone and ashamed at the bed.

Takato won't forgive Junta for being a part of the mafia and the main reason why Takato got kidnapped and used.
But he will mostly not forgiving him since he hadn't told him the truth. That, Junta is the son of a mafia boss.
Takato sniffs and wishes he could embraces himself or at least covering himself with the blanket.
Which he can't since he is still tied up.
"Junta... Help my you damn angel...Help me so I can scold you later..." he mumbles while a few tears leaves his eyes.


Junta inhales deeply and a bit nervous.
He is risking to get a bullet in his forehead by threatening Chihiro to harm Ryo.
Hopefully he isn't putting Takato in danger by pushing Chihiro into the corner by not following the rules.
Junta raises his fist and knocks on the door of the building who look like a building with apartments. But works more like a house since Hokusai own each floors.
Two men with sunglasses, colorful shirts with black flowers as patterns opens the door and are eyeing Junta.
"Raise your arms..." one of them tell him.
Junta raises his arms and let the men searching his body after weapons.
The men nods satisfied after the search and tells Junta to follow them.

Chihiro sits on a couch with a glass of whiskey in his hand when Junta enters the room.
The man snickers and points against the couch in front him.
"Please.. Sit down..." he grins against Junta.
The men who showed Junta the way stay by the door to keep their eyes on them.
Junta starts walking to the couch there he sits down.
Chihiro smiles and is eyeing Junta curiously.
"I suppose you are choosing to marry my sister since you haven't taken Andreas with you..." he supposes and pushes a bowl with candies closer to Junta.
"Here...Take some candy... You and I will be brothers-in-law...We better get friendly with each other from now on..."
Junta looks down at the candies before he looks deeply into Chihiro's eyes.
"Sorry...But I'm not choosing that option..." he tells Chihiro and feels how his heart starts beating nervously.
Chihiro jolts backward on the seat and gasps.
"You won't?" He asks with one brow going up.
"Then...Why are you here? You don't have Andreas with you-...Or you have him outside in your car and want to ask me what will happen with him before you let him in?"
Junta shakes his head.
"No... I won't let you have Andreas either..."
Chihiro parts his lips surprised.
"You are pretty bold if you think you only have to begging and pleading to get Takato back...I won't give him back without-..." Chihiro starts saying.
"I'm here since I want to show you something..." Junta smirks.
Chihiro tilts his head.
"Show me what?"
Junta takes out his phone and starts calling one of his men on Skype.
"Here..." he says and turns the screen against Chihiro.
The man leans against the screen and sees how a young man is blindfolded and tied to a chair.
"Where am I?...Who are you?" Ryo Narumiya asks with trembling voice.
Chihiro wides his eyes terrified of the scene.
"C-Chihiro...Help me..."
The man grits his teeth angrily of seeing his boyfriend kidnapped.
Junta exhales.
"You see... If you are thinking harder you will always find another solution...Which I have... I'm choosing the option number four...Give Takato back or your little boyfriend will pay for your stubbornness..." Junta smirks.
"Gnh..." Chihiro starts shaking of anger.
"You are faking... No way you will harm Ryo! You are friends for God sake..." Chihiro shouts and stands up before he throws the glass to the side.
The glass shatters into pieces when it hits the floor. Whiskey starts leaking out on the floor, creating a small pond.
Junta snorts and is following Chihiro with his eyes.
"Maybe you are right... But... Takato-chan's and my other boyfriend isn't friend to your boyfriend... He has no reason to hold back...If I were you...I would let Takato go before we harm your innocent boyfriend and make him to never forget this nightmare..."
Chihiro shakes his head.
"You're lying! No way you will hurt him!... You were a fool to think you could enter my place and think you will leave unharmed!!!" Chihiro says while he takes out his gun and points the gun against Junta.

Andreas was the one to holding the phone who was shooting the blindfolded young man.
He starts understanding he has to do something dramatically to convince Chihiro the consequences of not obeying them.
He looks at the man with white spiky hair.
"I need your gun..." he tells the man who jolts surprised.
"Alright..." he mumbles and takes out the gun from the waistband by his back.
Then he hands the gun to Andreas who walks in hurry to Ryo.
The red haired man points the gun against Ryo's thigh who jolts of hearing the clicking sound from the gun.
"Huh? What are hap-...."
The boy flinches while he screams out of pain from getting a bullet through his thigh.

Chihiro was about to fire a bullet through Junta's head when Ryo's scream startled him.
He inhales sharply when he sees how his sweet boyfriend got harmed there blood starts painting his jeans.
"Noo..." he narrows his eyes and look accusing at Junta.
"How dare you?..." he asks with trembling bottom lip.
Junta sighs.
"Give me Takato back and we won't harm your boyfriend any more..." he repeats and gets bad conscience of harming Ryo like this. But he understands they've had to.
Otherwise he and probably Takato would get harmed instead.
Chihiro exhales sighing and sits heavily down at the couch.
He jolts when he sees his two men pointing their guns at Junta's backhead.
The golden brown haired man shakes his head to them and they put their guns away.
"Alright...I will give you Takato..." he sighs.
Junta starts smiling but forces himself to put on a stern face.
"And you will never harm him again..."
"Or Andreas..."
Chihiro raises an eyebrow.
"On two conditions..."
Junta tilts his head.
"Which are?"
Chihiro exhales.
"You won't either seeking revenge on Hokusai or ever hurt my actor career by telling others how I'm getting the best roles by sleeping with women..."
Junta leans back in the couch.
"Fine...You better not harmed Takato too much...I suppose you have done something suspicious since you tries convincing me to not seeking revenge on you and your gang..."
Chihiro wides his eyes before he hums thoughtfully and narrows his eyes.
"Well...Do you agree on my conditions?"
Junta snorts.
"Fine... Give me Takato now..."
Chihiro looks at the two men by the door.
"Go and get Saijo-san..."
"Yes sir..." they say and walk out from the room to get Takato.

Takato stumbles into the room there Junta exhales relieved of seeing his beloved boyfriend.
He stands up and walks against his boyfriend who outwardly only looks exhausted. Perhaps neither Chihiro nor one of his men have harmed Takato as he was afraid they would.
"Takato-chan~..." he says happily and grateful.
Takato glares at him.
"Take me home..." he mutters.

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