ch 17; Where is the damn angel?!

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It has been about a week since the awful incident.
Takato came home as it was planned and after that it has been pretty silent.
Too silent!
Andreas comes over regularly to consort with him.
But that stupid angel hasn't even showed his face once after that day.
Which make Takato pissed.
At first he hadn't appetite to eat food or cakes.
But after a few days when Junta didn't payed him visit, he snapped and has eaten cake since that day.
This is the fourth day in row he is eating cake.
Since he isn't feeling to leave the apartment he has forced poor Andreas to run his errands and buying cake each day.
Takato will give his word to Junta the day he dares showing up!
He starts laughing while he sits at the couch with a cake in his hand and a fork in the other.
"You better not showing up you perverse angel...I will scolding you until you will dream nightmares about it..." he grins chuckling.
"Is everything alright, Saijo-san?" Andreas asks and peeks his head asking into the living room.
Takato jolts.
"Eh...heh...Yeah...I'm alright " he chuckles nervously.
Andreas exhales snorting and walks into the room.
"Are you eating cake since you are mad at Junta since he isn't coming over or texting you?"
Takato narrows his eyes.
"WHA-!?...WHO SAYS I'M EATING CAKE SINCE I'M ANGRY?! BAAAAKAaaaa..." Takato yells blushing.
Andreas sighs and walks over to the couch there he sits down next Takato.
" You know..." he starts saying and looks into Takato's eyes who reveal the sorrow he is carrying inside him. How much he is longing after Junta.
"Call me Takato..." Takato begs.
Andreas jolts and got interrupted of that he was about to say.
"You're sure?"
"Uhm...It feels weird if I call you by your first name and you are saying Chunta's first name...While you aren't calling me by first name...It sounds as I'm not important to you....Or something..." Takato gulps.
Andreas wraps his arms around Takato's shoulders from the side and leans closer to him.
"Thank you Takato...I love you..." he smiles happily.
"Uhm..." Takato blushes and starts looking down at the cake when Andreas suddenly start kissing him.
Takato inhales surprised and looks at Andreas.
The black haired man decides to relax and getting kissed.
After a while Andreas parts the kiss.
Takato gulps.
" too...." he mumbles and doesn't dare to say he loves Andreas too.
Andreas snickers.
"Oh?... So you lobe me too?" He teases and thinks about that day there Takato was drunk and said lobe instead love.
Takato inhales sharply while he flinches.
"Baka! I said that on purpose" he lies.
Andreas grins.
"Sure sure..." Andreas snickers.
Takato snorts.
Then he looks down at the cake.
"If I'm gaining any weight the idiot will pay...It's his fault..." he mutters silently.
Andreas shakes his head a slightly and leans away from Takato there he leans backward on the seat.
"You know..." he starts saying and wait until he gets Takato's attention.
"Junta thinks you don't want to see him anymore... That's why he hasn't get his ass over here..." Andreas explains sighing.
Takato wides his eyes gasping.
"Wha-!?..." Takato exhales before he grits his teeth angrily.
"That stupid horny angel... He is always assuming things without asking me! Who have said I don't want to see him?! Huh?!" Takato growls and stands up from the couch with the cake.
Then he starts walking out from the living room in to the kitchen.
Andreas blinks confused.
"Where are you going Takato?"
"OUT! I have an idiot to scold!!!" He answers.
Andreas exhales snickering.
"Okay... I will wait here if you are alright with that..."

Takato is wondering if he should use the card to open Junta's door or if he should ring the bell.
It isn't often he is visiting Junta without letting him to know.
And even that is unusual.
It uses to be Junta who are the one to take Takato over to his place.
Takato sighs and starts ringing the bell three times in row before he stands waiting silently outside the apartment.
"You better are home now when I were kind and is visiting you, you damn horny angel..."Takato mutters.
Since no one is opening starts Takato to ring the bell again, now some more times. He even starts knocking angrily at the door.
He grits his teeth when Junta isn't opening.
Takato decides to open the door with the key card he got last year from Junta.
He is spotting Junta shortly after he'd  entered his apartment.
"Huh? Takato-chan?" Junta gasps shocked of seeing him.
Takato starts shaking of anger.
Junta blinks confused.
"I thought..."
Takato flinches.
"I KNOW WHAT YOU THOUGHT...ANDREAS TOLD ME...YOU ARE A REAL BAKA...DO YOU HEAR ME? BAAAAAKAAAaaaa..." Takato yells until he pants and tilts his head down.
"I-..." he starts trembling.
Junta jolts.
"I-... I thought you were tired of me after that...I...I thought you were disgusted of me..." Takato says honestly and starts crying.
Junta runs against Takato there he wraps his arms around Takato's shaking body.
"I'm sorry Takato-chan..." Junta apologies and kisses Takato on the top of his head.
Takato sniffs.
"Let's move in together...I...I want to live with you and Andreas..." he suddenly says.
Junta gasps.
"You're sure?"
Takato nods.
"Yes... I love you two fools... I want to spend as much time I can with you..."
Junta starts tearing up.
"Hai..." he smiles.
Takato exhales gently and cuddles closer to Junta when he suddenly feel how Junta starts holding him tighter.
"You make me really happy, Takato-chan~♡..."
Takato wides his eyes shocked and could almost swear he heard the sound of wings popping out from Junta's back.
He starts chuckling nervously.
" Eh... Well... We don't have to move together now now...I were more talking about the future...Like a distant future..." Takato tries taking back the words who slipped out from his mouth just a moment ago.
Junta starts stroking his hands across Takato's back.
"Even that make me happy Takato-chan... I thought you would never forgive me...I'm happy..."
Takato flinches.
"I haven't yet!" He clears his throat.
"Huh?" Junta looks asking at him.
Takato clears his throat again.
"If you want me to forgive you...You must do as I'm telling you today...Without complaining!" Takato tells him.
Junta blinks confused before he inhales smiling.
Takato starts walking backwards.
" You better show up about two hours at my place and do every single thing I'm telling you... If you do that without complaining I will kind of forgive you and we will start searching after an apartment there the three of us fit..."
"Hai hai...And until then you can stay he-..."
"No! I have some things to prepare... You better wait..." Takato interrupts.
"Okay Takato-chan...I will be patient..." Junta nods and starts chewing mints snickering.

Takato leaves Junta's apartment with a devilish grin.
"I'm going to humiliating you as you use to do with me, you horny beast..." he laughs.
" You're going to regret your decision to agree with doing every single things I'm telling you to do... " Takato smirks.

Andreas raises his eyebrows shocked of seeing Takato getting home this early.
"Wasn't Junta home?" He asks and looks asking at the plastic bag Takato have'd brought home.
" Oh?...Yeah...He was home... Which was unlucky him..." Takato snickers.
Andreas tilts his head, not sure if he should be worried about Takato's behavior.
Takato points at Andreas.
"The idiot will show up less than two hours... I need your help to punishment that baka..."
Andreas exhales surprised.
Takato grins.
"He deserves getting punishment for every single embarrassing thing he have'd make me to endure... And especially since he got me into trouble since he was a part of mafia..."
Andreas exhales snorting.
"Okay... I will help you..." he smiles softly.

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