A yelp from behind made Y/n turn back. She saw her cat, Moon chasing and hissing at Ron. Y/n burst out laughing with Draco. Even Hermione and Harry were snickering.

" Get your cat off of me. " Y/n scoffed and bent down, " Come here, Moon. " The cat instantly stopped, making it's way towards Y/n." Crookshanks never listens to me like that. " Hermione said, disappointed.

" There you go. I think she's asking where your rat is. Probably dead in your garden. " Y/n asked, a smirk on her face. Ron rolled his eyes, ignoring her question.

" Let's go. " Draco whispered, grabbing her arm protectively as Harry just stared at Y/n.

" Yeah. Come on! What are these carriages for? " She asked as they passed a big one.

" Where were you two? " Elle asked as Y/n dat beside her, Draco on her other side. " Draco took an hour to get into his uniform. "

" It wasn't an hour. " He says, rolling his eyes. Y/n shrugged. " What's this all
about? " There was an excited chatter in the staff table and other students.

" Didn't you hear? There's going to be a Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts. " Theo slipped in the seat across her, trying to loosen his tie.

Y/n looked amazed. " Oh, well! " She sighed. She was tired and wasn't looking forward to a speech tonight before the feast.

But that had to happen.

Dumbledore started to explain about the Triwizard Tournament and it's rules. " I'm hungry. " She whined to Draco, who chuckled. " Can't help it. "

There was sudden chaos in the enchanted ceiling, everyone ducking on instincts. Y/n watched as one and only Mad eye Moody shot his wand up, calming the weather.

" What's he doing here? " Draco asked, confusion etched on his face. Y/n shook her head. " Meet your new Defense Against the Dark Arts, teacher. "

" Oh, boy! He's a nutter! " Y/n exclaimed, a frown on her face. She didn't like him a bit. And now she had to go through classes of his.

" Now, please welcome lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy, with their high mistress, Madam Maxime. " Dumbledore says and the large oak doors opened.

The girls in pale blue dresses, looking as beautiful and Graceful as ever came dancing inside, one of them a gymnast.
Y/n subconsciously looked over at Draco, who like every other boy was gawking at them.

Something inside her clicked, causing her to scrunch her face and look at the girls with annoyance. Behind them, entered a very very tall women, causing Y/n to raise an eyebrow.

While the Beauxbatons settled with Ravenclaws, Dumbledore got to the words again, " Now, the proud sons of Durmstrang with their high master, Igor Karkaroff. "

Once again, built and good looking boys marched in, sticks in their hands. While they did their little show, it was every girl's time to stare while boys were a little annoyed.

Draco did glance at Y/n, seeing her look at one perticular boy, who was looking back at her with a glint in his eyes. Draco glared at him, while Y/n didn't even bother looking away.

A nudge caused her to look at Draco, who had his face scrunched in annoyance." What? " She whispered, taking another glance as the boy made his way towards her with other classmates of his.

" Nothing. " He whispered, trying to greet Victor Krum who just sat beside

" Hi. I'm Victor Krum. " He had a gruff voice.

" Hi. I'm Y/n Clair. "

" Draco Malfoy. " Draco greeted with a nod, while Krum nodded. " Heard about you two. " He smiled kindly, which surprised Y/n but she didn't let it show. " All nice things, I hope. " She joked, chuckling.

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