" Whose fault was it? "

" Technically, that oaf. If he had followed textbook and taught us about gillyworms, than this wouldn't have happened. " Y/n said, trying not to snap the chosen boy into half.

" Relax, N/n. " Draco whispered, his hand instantly reaching out to give hers a squeeze. Y/n's boiling blood calmed down as she focused on the touch and not at the annoying boy.

" Cat got your tongue, Malfoy? " Now it was Ronald Weasley speaking, who sat beside Harry and Hermione across of them, facing her back towards them.

" I'm just trying not waste my energy on pathetic and annoying people like you. " Draco announced, rubbing small circles on Y/n's knuckles.

" As if we would want to talk to you. Why was your daddy so angry-"

" I swear to Merlin's grave, if he doesn't shut up, I'm gonna hex him into oblivion. " Blaise complained, and Y/n huffed. She was on the edge today.

" You know what? Why don't you go and save the day, Potter? Like you always do. I'm pretty sure Granger here has a way tied around her neck she can use. " Y/n says, glaring at Hermione, who seemed like a Deer Caught in Headlights.

" How did you know about that? " She asked sourly, a frown on her face.
" Oh, not everyone is as dumb as Weasley to ask how you arrive classes, Granger! " She said venemously and stood up, grabbing her bag.

" What is she talking about? " She heard Ron ask but she was already out of the Great Hall. " What was that all about? " Draco chuckled, throwing his arm around her shoulder.

" She's using Time Turner. The know-it-all she is, she applied extra classes and got a time turner. I saw her appear out of no where beside Potter in DADA Snape was taking, than before that in Lupin's lessons. "

" You're smart. " Draco teased, trying to make her feel better. Y/n chuckled, feeling all his anger fading away. Draco always knew what to say, or maybe it was just her laughing at literally anything he'd say.

Because he always made her feel better.


Y/n was furious the next day when she found Draco making his way towards her with a bloody and broken nose.
" What the hell happened? Did you run into a wall? " She asked, instantly taking out her napkin and pressing it against his nose.

" No, that mudblood punched him! " Goyle pointed out, earning a glare from Draco. Y/n's blood boiled. " How dare she touch you? Where is she? " Y/n glared at Crabbe and Goyle, who gulped.

" We saw them by that stupid hut! " Y/n matched past them, her wand already gripped into her hand tight. She was lucky it wasn't breakable, or it's have been snapped.

" N/n, don't. You're crazy! " Draco stopped her halfway, chuckling slightly. " But she had the audacity to punch you! She's not going to live with it, Draco. I swear to God, I'm going to punch her like she did to-"

" Just do something about this, okay? " Be pointed at the bloody napkin. She sighed and grabbed his shoulders, " I know a spell! "

" Episkey! " She whispers and winced as she could hear a crack. " Sorry. " She grabbed the hem of her robe and tore it, throwing away the bloody napkin.

" You've got to be kidding me! " Draco chuckled, still wincing in pain. Y/n ignored him and cleaned the blood off before she set off somewhere.

" Stay in the Common room. " She called, disappearing down the corridor. " Well, I can never understand her. "

" Don't be silly. You're the only one who understands her. " Crabbe laughs and this time, Draco couldn't disagree. He sat in the soft couch with Moon by his thigh, cuddling into him.

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