19. Desperate Attempt

Start from the beginning

"Thank you, Jensen, you can go..." Rydge dismissed him distractedly.

Jensen gave Euterpe a pitiful smile before walking out quickly and the room was quiet.

Othello huffed quietly and leaned over to whisper something to Euterpe who was still stiff as a rock. I narrowed my eyes in confusion and was about to speak but was stopped.

"Euterpe, do you at least eat one meal a day?" Rydge gritted out.

She blinked and shook her head shocking everyone at the fact she admitted to not eating. I was sure that there would definitely be a protest and we would have to fight the truth out of her.

"Is it a weight thing? Or it is something more serious?" Axton asked softly again.

She sighed leaning back, "It is not a weight thing as you put it. There's a lot you don't know and accusing her of very serious things as bulimia is not exactly going to help you. All of you sit there and jump to conclusions because you're nothing willing to get to know her. Sure, she'll probably hesitate and take time to tell or trust you but it shouldn't matter. If she is your sister and you'll protect her as you claim then taking some time out of your day for her shouldn't be hard. Now try it again." August glared at us.

Hmm, I'll bite back.

"Fine. We're sorry." I narrowed my eyes, "Euterpe can you tell us why you're not eating?" I questioned calmly.

She tilted her head, "Even if my father was quite well off, he was also very busy which left me with most of the chores and errands. I didn't have time to eat as much as I should have and it's very hard for me to eat so much now." She signed slowly.

"You're lying." Thorn finally spoke up.

A puff of air left her lips as she crossed her arms and looked away like a stubborn child.

"Why aren't you being honest with us?" Thorn frowned, "Do you hate us that much?"

She flinched, "I don't hate you, any of you. I just think there are some things better left alone. I know for certain that the reaction you guys will give will not be great." She looked down as if she was scared of our reaction.

"You know, I wasn't going to bring it up so soon because of the certain incident the other day but maybe I should." Rydge clasped his hands together leaning over the table, "I received a call this morning from a nurse asking if you wanted to refill your prescription." His voice grew darker making Euterpe pale, "She said they haven't had any contact or have you picked up your prescription for about little over a year. Since you were recently sent into my care they had to look over your file and called me to ask if you wanted to start again. And do you?" He narrowed his eyes.

She shrunk into herself making us confused, what prescription?

"Rydge, what prescription?" Castriel asked for everyone.

His knuckles turned white for a second, "Prescription for birth control." He gritted out.

"BIRTH CONTROL?!" I yelled, "What? Are you whoring around like your mother?!" I spat before I could stop myself.

"BRAXTON!" Thorn chastised.

There was a flash in her eyes, "I take birth control for a reason. Not because I'm some hormonal idiotic teen like yourself." She glared at me.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure the very good reason is you spreading your legs for anyone." I scoffed.

"HEY!" August shouted.

"WATCH YOUR FUCKING TONGUE!" Miles added on equally as angry.

She grabbed their hands before letting go, "Ever since my first period it's been irregular, which means I don't get them monthly. Sometimes I go months without having one but when I did I had very painful cramps. The doctor recommended putting me on birth control to help regulate it but it didn't work. About a year ago I ended up in the emergency room due to heavy abdominal pain. It turns out I had a blood blockage in my uterus and they had to drain it so I spent three days in the hospital. It's in my records if you don't believe me but after that, I stopped taking the pills. I saw no point if it didn't help." She explained.

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