17. The Girl

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We watched the six of them leave before going to Rydge's office. I knew Euterpe didn't want to go but I also knew why she was going. Braxton explained what happened and the deal they made but it just made it more interesting. It made it more suspicious. What could they have possibly talked about to the point where they were willing to do what Braxton wanted. The same day it happened Thorn tried checking the school cameras only to get see absolutely nothing. Everything from that day was gone and a virus of fireworks that read 'Try Harder Imbecile.' To say Thorn was a bit upset is an understatement.

"What do they want now?" Thorn sat down on one of the chairs.

I took the other and we waited for Rydge to sit across from us behind his desk. I could tell he was growing upset as the days passed, something is wrong.

"They started Nova again." He spoke emotionlessly.

I sighed looking out his office window and had a deep urge to shoot someone. They have started a war without thinking of the consequences and the outcome will not be in their favor. They think they can do what they want and when they want but it's not how it works. We are in charge and if they won't listen then it's not our problem. They know the rules and the consequence is... death.

"What exactly were Sage's plans?" I turned my head.

Rydge clicked his tongue, "For once I don't know. I don't think it was Nolan who came up with this idea, to be honest. I think it's a cover. There is something else going on, something twisted. Someone is trying to distract us from a bigger plan but it won't work. We are not stupid or naive like the rest of those idiots. Nova will be destroyed and find out who is trying to use us as pawns in their game." He narrowed his eyes at the desk.

"Do you think Euterpe knows something?" I asked with a frown.

"Actually I was thinking about that," Rydge admitted, "I am not sure if you two recall this but when she was younger she spoke of green780." I felt my eyes widen, "I had no idea what it was at the time because we were kids. Euterpe was a kid. I want a close eye on her and that does not even mention the fact of her activities. It's obvious that she was working in some type of way for Nolan, only Smaragdine Shadows know that fighting style. And I highly doubt Nolan would teach her that style for simple bullying at school. She knows more than she lets on and we need to figure it out now." He demanded.

Thorn hummed, "Well we can never be too sure Rydge. Bullying is not the easiest thing to go through and if fighting helped her then it makes sense. There are many reasons as to why she knows that style, her father was a drug supplier. The most sought out one to be specific so maybe he wanted her to be able to protect herself. She was a target. If she was bullied, I believe it. You saw how Braxton is with her and he barely met her." He pinched his nose.

"Yes, we need to have another talk with him it seems." Rydge nodded, "And with Euterpe." He added on.

My eyebrows furrowed, "With Euterpe? What are we supposed to tell her? Do you really think she is going to tell us everything because we asked? To her we're just taking over our legal businesses, she doesn't know who we are. And if anything, Nolan probably drilled a defense mechanism in her brain. She won't talk, she wouldn't rat out her father. Even if he's dead... that's her father, they loved each other. They are family." I pointed out.

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