11. That Window

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On the way back to the Vaughn's home, I felt like something was wrong. I had this feeling that something was going to happen soon but I don't know why.

A hand touched my thigh and I turned my head to see Miles giving me a concerned look.

"What is it? You haven't stopped moving." He whispered.

I guess I was really out of it and didn't notice my leg bouncing up and down.

"I..." Castriel watched us, "I am just tired, Milo. I haven't been feeling well lately." I signed.

"Hopefully, you'll have enough rest this weekend for school on Monday," Castriel spoke up.

"School?!" August shrieked.

I rolled my eyes, "Want to know the worse part of going back to school?" I looked at them, "I have to attend Ashes Private College."

"APC!?!" Miles gasped, "No fucking way is she going back there without us." He crossed his arms.

"You went there as well?" Rydge asked uninterested.

"As well?" Braxton whispered.

August nodded, "Yes, and since you are having her go there specifically then I assume you own it as well." He sniffed, "If you want Euterpe to attend then you better find a way to get us in as well. Those students are absolutely horrendous. And our records are almost exactly like hers so no trouble with academic restrictions." He smirked.

"No." Rydge denied.

What a-

"Is that why you three together look familiar?" Axton furrowed his brows, "When you stand next to each other... you three look familiar." Othello tilted his head slowly.

Everyone at APC knew who we were.

"Maybe." August retorted defensively, "But if you don't do what we ask then she's not going. Simple as that." He glared at them all.

The tension grew, "Do you know who you are talking to exactly?" Rydge gritted out.

"Maybe," he answered again, "Do you want to tell me who I'm talking to?" August smirked.

He knew Rydge wouldn't admit to being a mafia leader so he'd back down. All of their jaws clenched at the same time which made me hum quietly.

"Fine." Rydge spat, "I will get you in the same classes as hers but if you cause any trouble, I will not help. I also want to warn you that if you ever talk to me like that again... you're done for." He snarled.

I felt my face heat up because no one threatens my friends with me around. Rydge felt my eyes and glared back at me but I wasn't one to give up. I hate people who threaten my best friends, my family. I saw his eyes flash with sadness and he looked down at his phone again.

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