29. Hamburger Helper

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The only sound was our footsteps, his heavy and mine light. It was difficult to tell if he was purposely making noise or it was just how he walked like he wanted people to know he was coming. It was like he wanted to announce himself without having to actually announce himself. His steps were surprisingly easy to keep up with though, I didn't have to rush after him. Even if I was tall, this man is easily six foot four and I don't want to run. Running is too much of a hassle as it is when Braxton makes me run in the morning.

A sadist is what Braxton is, a whole freaking sadist.

My eyebrows furrow unconsciously when I see where he is leading us. The library, I haven't been in here since I accidentally broke the photo. He simply walks in and to the left shelf next to the fireplace and grabs a chunky red book. It has golden outlines along the spine and when he pulls there is a click. My head cocks to the left as we watched the shelf open like a door.

How extra.

I followed him and took a look around the office he deemed worthy enough to be hidden. It isn't as big as Rydge's but it seems more personal. There are a few photos and the room actually feels... warm and welcoming instead of cold and precessional. The walls are a warm gray, not too light or too dark with crepe accents. There's only one window, right behind his black desk with a window seat long enough to use as a napping space.

Erebus sat behind his desk and motioned for me to take a seat in front of him. I sniffed taking one last look before sitting down with my arms crossed, a bit definitively I will admit.

"So, you're their half-sister." His eyes scanned me.

Well, at least he used the correct term.

I nodded squinting at him, I refuse to be intimidated by him or anyone for that matter.

He hummed, "Did you know about them?"

It was an innocent question but we both know that it's not, not when he is asking.

"No, I only found out the day before I was brought here." I signed honestly.

His fingers tapped against the wood of his desk, "I assumed Avery would tell you about them or you would at least remember them." He admitted.

My eyebrows furrowed again.

"I've seen a bit of hesitation when Braxton looks at you, I will apologize that if my fault." He sighed.

My eyes narrowed, why is he acting like... a human?

He caught my look, "When Avery decided that she was no longer bringing you around the boys... we got into an argument. Although I was upset, I would never deny my children the chance to be happy and you made them happy. I made sure to make myself scarce when you were around because it... hurt. I loved her and she betrayed me, she betrayed our family but I was willing. The boys grew attached even if they thought she was only your babysitter. It was difficult to convince her to stay and she had made up her mind. Braxton took your leave the hardest and I thought the only way he would let you go is if he thought you were dead." He frowned heavily, "I assumed he would eventually forget about it like the others but he didn't. It changed Braxton drastically. While I admit I made the wrong decision, I only wanted to protect my children from the heartbreak. You being here brings back memories and feelings, I want to make sure they don't get hurt." He finished.

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