21. Day Off

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"Give me the fucking pepper," Braxton growled at me.

I scowled, "Give me the pepper." I mocked rolling my eyes.

"Axton, stop taunting your brother." Castriel scolded me like a child.

I huffed leaning back but listened because I did not want to be on his bad side. He can scare me three ways into hell before I decided to make him mad. I also did not want to make him mad right when I was about to have some time off tomorrow. He and Rydge were the most ruthless with grudges and I will have to take my chances another time.

"Full?" I heard Othello whisper.

My head slightly turned in their direction and I watched Euterpe grimace at the food.

"You know the deal," he whispered, "If it's too much then just until you're full." He finished.

Euterpe frowned looking at the half full plate before taking three more bites. She finally pushed the plate away and I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips. Although it didn't seem like much, she was doing much better than before and it's only been a few days. We didn't expect her to eat half of the plate but she did and I was so proud of her. Othello had the same look before handing her a glass of water. I honestly hope that she continues to eat as much as she can without getting sick. Even if she can actually only eat two meals a day, it's better than before. Her health is more important than anything else and our main priority right now.

"Can we hang out again?" I asked her.

She looked up and raised an eyebrow, "Oh, hell no! I forbid it!" Braxton declared.

"Forbid it? You're not my father. I can hang out with Euterpe if I want! What are you going to do? Cry? If so, then cry about it." I stuck my tongue out.

"For fucks sake," Castriel muttered under his breath next to me.

Rydge clenched his jaw, "Braxton, as much as I don't think his childish behavior was unnecessary. Axton is right. If he wants to spend his time with Euterpe, he can. However, if you can provide one good reason why they shouldn't be together then speak. If your reasoning is good then they'll have a babysitter." He nodded seriously.

"Oh! I volunteer!" Thorn smiled.

No! He will prevent us from doing fun stuff!! Why?! What did I do to deserve this?!

Braxton huffed, "A reason? Did you not see what they did to me earlier today?! The whipped cream?!" He threw his hands up.

I chuckled, "Damn, that was fun. I wanted to do shaving cream but Euterpe disagreed because the mess would have been much larger." I sighed dramatically.

"Axton!" Thorn scolded, "What are you thinking dragging Euterpe into your little pranks with your brother?" He shook his head disapprovingly.

"She wanted to!" I protested.

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