31. Blind Rage

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"Can you not antagonize him? You know Euterpe will be upset if you and her best friend are fighting like you're going to kill each other." Othello sighed leaning back into the seat.

Braxton scoffed, "He's a brat. What do you expect me to do about it?" He glared through the mirror at his annoyed brother.

"So are you," Axton smirked running a hand through his hair, "Don't forget the fact that she obviously trusts them more than us so we have to stick with them until... you know." He suddenly deflated.

"Until she leaves." Braxton finished bitterly.

There was an awkward silence between them and the atmosphere became more tense each passing second. It was not that difficult to believe that she would leave when she turned eighteen. They knew the only reason she was even there now was because she allowed herself to be. Euterpe was technically an adult at sixteen but because of her record, she had to stay with a stable family until she was older. Each of them knew that if she really wanted to be gone then she wouldn't have come in the first place. She could have disappeared before they made it to their home and that was the problem. There was something she was holding back but how could they get to her? In what way could they help her with no knowledge of the truth? Did they have a place to say something? Did they have the right to ask her to... stay?

"I just want to make sure that she is safe. Even if she decided to leave and never speak to us again, I need to know that she'll be safe. The party almost fucking threw me, you know? It felt and still does feel horrible knowing that someone wants her." Othello admitted dejectedly.

Braxton bit his lip and his eyebrows furrowed as his frown deepened. His left index finger tapped against the steering wheel thinking about all the possibilities of Euterpe leaving. He wasn't sure if she would just leave and never speak to them again. He knew sometimes he could act like an asshole but he liked to think they have made an impact on her. He likes to think that even if she left that she would come over or call as often as possible. Maybe she would send pictures of her smiling from wherever in the world she was. Sometimes he imagines her sending videos of herself with her friends having pizza eating contests because she needs to eat. Other times he imagines her sending over a video of her singing a new song that they wrote. But in his favorite vision, she would take a picture in the flower crown that he had saved and preserved for a decade. Braxton hoped for many things but also hoped to stop being such a wuss when he thought about her leaving. He did, after all, have a reputation to uphold.

Axton let out a sound of agreement, "Why do you think she doesn't want to tell us?"

"It's kinda like she wants to take care of everyone but no one wants to take care of her," Othello whispered tiredly.

"Wrong," Braxton hissed, "You're right, but wrong," he breathed out a long breath, "It seems as no one wants to care for her but all of us do, don't we?" He raised a brow, "Maybe It's our fault for acting like idiots but there's no helping the fact that we do want to help her and take care of her. If I, of all people, can admit that then it's true." He sniffed seriously.

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