8. Your Uniform

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I finished two books and looked at my phone to see that it was a few hours later. Surprisingly no one has found me so I guess they don't use the library often enough to look here. I set the book down and looked at the floor to see the glass pieces everywhere.

The longer my eyes sat on them the more I felt myself drifting away. I felt a cold chill and shivered before seeing blood puddles form around the glass. I slowly lowered myself to the floor and grabbed a few of the big pieces. The blood coated my hand and my eyebrows furrowed feeling the warm liquid.

The door opened quickly and I jumped almost experiencing a mini heart attack. My hand was against my chest and I sighed quietly taking a deep breath before looking up.

Jensen gasped, "Euterpe!" He rushed over, "You are bleeding. Get away from there." He kicked some of the glass away.


I looked down to see the hand against my chest dripping blood so I slowly opened it. I guess when I got scared I accidentally closed my hand around the glass. My mouth parted as I finally felt the pain and I dropped the glass before clamping my other hand over it tightly. My eyes watered and I whimpered closing my eyes tightly.

"It's okay Miss," Jensen knelt down, "Here, we need to slow the bleeding down." He held out his hand.

I slowly moved my hand closer and he took out a handkerchief from his pocket. His eyes met mine and I nodded before looking away. He tied it around my hand and pulled hard making another whimper escape from my lips.

I don't care if Jensen sees me in pain, he is probably the only one I trust with this right now. He pulled me up and sat me back on the chair. I pointed at the frame and he tilted his head for a minute.

"Oh, it's fine Euterpe. The masters have a temper, and I mean all of them. We learned to keep extra stuff like that around just in case. I'll put a new frame on it soon, let's just get you out of here." He smiled sadly.

I stood up and he led us out of the room and down to the living room.

"Stay here. I'll be right back." He said running out of the room.

My face went blank, I don't like the living room that they have. The walls are white and I hate the color white, I can't look at it. Nolan always made sure my rooms were white so when he was done with me the walls were red. He would make me scrub it clean but in the end, I'd have to paint the whole room a darker color. I know I shouldn't like the color red instead but for some reason it's a comfort. It's normal to see that color somewhere on my body so if I don't, I feel like something is missing.

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