33. Veggie Noodles

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Thorn held Euterpe as she slept with her head on his chest and his fingers running through her hair. Her breathing was labored and her face was scrunched up in pain. He sneered at the back of the seat and sucked in a breath through his teeth before releasing a shaky breath. His eyes were closed trying to calm the anxiousness he felt with her gone. He felt his fingers shake as they found a tangle in her hair and he lightly pushed through, untangling the strand. A chill ran down his spine at the thought of seeing a gun to her temple and his head unconsciously moved down towards her. His face twisted and his cheek gently rested against her hairline. Before he could process anything, a choked sob escaped his lips and a tear escaped his left eye even if his eyes were still closed. He took a deep breath before opening his eyes and forcing himself to breathe, he made sure his heart stopped beating so fast and just rested.

Thorn did not want to think about what would have happened if they didn't get there in time. The thought of them waking into the unknown was already clawing at his chest on the drive over.

A low whine caused his head to shoot up and his eyes snap in her direction. Euterpe's fingers pressed against her side while sleeping making his entire frame tense up. He made a shushing noise and ran his hands threw her hair again, shifting her upper body to rest more comfortably against his chest.

Thorn let out a long breath,

"Калинка, калинка, (Russian "Little red berry,)
калинка моя! (Little red berry of mine!)
В саду ягода малинка, (In the garden is a little
малинка моя! (My little raspberry!)

Сосенушка ты зелёная (Under the green pine tree)
Не шуми ты надо мной  (Lay me down to sleep)
Ай люли, люли, ай, люли, люли,  (Oh, lyuli, lyuli, oh, lyuli, lyuli,*)
Не шуми ты надо мной  (Lay me down to sleep.)

Красавица, душа-девица, (Beautiful woman, soul-maiden,
Полюби же ты меня,  (Fall in love with me!)
Ай, люли, люли, aй, люли, люли, (Oh, lyuli, lyuli, oh, lyuli, lyuli,)
Полюби же ты меня! (Fall in love with me!)"

His voice unknowingly calmed and soothed Euterpe in her sleep. She did not know who was singing her pain away but she let herself drift further than she ever has. The feeling of protection covered her like a blanket and that was the only thing keeping her from popping her eyes open. Maybe this is what it felt like to not worry for hours on end about what she would wake up to and she loved it.

Just as Thorn finished singing the door was yanked open which startled his senses and he went into overdrive. He had never remembered moving so quickly and the gun clicked as he held it up to the mysterious person.

"Hey, it's me."

He let out a relieved sigh before slowly lowering the gun that was pointed at Castriel's head. His heart was beating fast and he felt slightly annoyed that he had to calm down again.

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