27. How Lame

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"Say it to my face."

"I literally just did that..."

"... You see, when you give me that kind of attitude it makes me want to punch you in the face. However, I am feeling very nice today so I won't hurt you. As long as you bow down to me and admit that I'm the better looking twin. That's all."

"I seriously think you're not okay. I don't know many more times that we have to tell you that it doesn't work like that. We are identical. Besides I'd never now down to an idiot like you."

A gasp was heard, "Take it b-back."


"Take it back."

"Absolutely not."

"Take it back."

"Again, no."


Euterpe sighed watching Othello and the twins start yelling at each other. It was only eight o'clock in the morning and they were already at each other's throats. Only eighth o'clock.

'Do they have no shame?' She thought rubbing her eyes.

"What the fuck!"

Another sigh escaped her lips as her chin planted on her palm watching them quietly. Her elbow hurt from the angle she was at but she didn't mind and kept her posture the same. Her eyes followed Axton's fist to Braxton's chest where it made hard contact. It was only a second later Braxton's foot flew up and into Axton's gut gaining a loud cry of pain.

"What have we said about cussing?!" A loud voice rang out.

Three pairs of eyes widened and they slowly followed the voice to its owner. Castriel stood at the entrance of the living room with a face that screamed murder. His eyes narrowed at his three younger brothers who were currently cursing a storm in front of their little sister- who definitely didn't need to hear any of it.

"Oh heyyyy, Castriel..." Axton chuckled.

Castriel scowled, "You have three seconds to apologize for the way you've been talking or I'm going straight to the big guy." He threatened.

"I'm sorry for cursing." All three mumbled.

Castriel turned to Euterpe, "Hey, the boys just got here. Why don't you go get ready?" He gave her a small smile.

She nodded and left the room leaving the four brothers alone, "Do you think she'll be mad?" Axton asked nervously.

"As long as she's occupied, I don't think we will have to worry about it." Braxton crossed his arms.

Othello let out a shaky breath. "I don't think it's a good idea. She should know. There will be even more questions now that she's not being introduced. It's going to end badly, you all know that." He rubbed his head trying to relieve some tension.

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