6. Set Back

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I heard knocking and took off my headphones before opening the door.

"Miss Sage, dinner will be served soon. I've come to escort you to the dining room, I wouldn't want you to get lost." Jensen smiled warmly.

He's sweet.

I gestured for him to lead the way and he got the idea before turning to the right. We walked through two halls before going down a staircase. As we were walking my eyes landed on a painting, a family portrait. All six of them stood around a man, their father, Erebus Vaughn. He looked fairly young like he was in his twenties but if I remembered correctly he'd be forty-six. Maybe it was painted a while ago. His strawberry blonde hair was combed to the side with a few wild strands over his forehead. His gray eyes emotionless adding to his cold face.

Erebus, the name of the primordial god of darkness, he was the man to fear above all. He was also known to be the most possessive man in the world after his own father. His children were the most important thing to him and his wife... but that changed when she cheated on him. Erebus knew when and when not to claim things, he loved Avery but she cheated and that was not something he could forgive. I never knew my mother was married to him but I heard the rumors about his ex-wife, I just put the pieces together. If all this was true maybe he could help me, I am 90% sure he probably hates me. A child born out of an affair, something his wife promised never to do at the altar. If he hates me then he could help me get out of here faster.

"Miss?" Jensen frowned.

I blinked and shook my head before following him again, this is going to be easy. He opened a large door for me and I walked in slowly moving my eyes around. All the Vaughn's were sitting down chatting until they saw me, so not obvious. Jensen waved to a chair and I slowly sat down as they all watched me.

"Did unpacking go well?" Thorn asked nicely.

I nodded before looking down, I actually did not unpack a thing. A plate of food was placed in front of me and I almost gagged looking at it. It was just some plain old regular spaghetti but to me, it was absolutely revolting. I saw everyone waiting and watching me and I looked around internally confused.

"It's a custom, it's been in our family traditions for generations. The lady of the house is always to have the first bite. It is usually the other way around for many people but not us. One of our great grandfathers made it a rule because women were not respected at the time. And they should always be respected." Castriel explained.

Now that is a man but... damn okay.

I picked the fork up, Lucifer save me, I silently pleaded. I took the first bit and once they were satisfied they started eating as well. Oh geez, thank you. I hate having attention on me.

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