Chapter 49

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It had been twenty years since the events of Crisis had happened and everyone on original Team Supergirl were living great lives. Kara and Mon-El had retired from being superheroes a couple of years before because Karen was old enough to take their place. They also had a younger son named Michael who was named after Mon-El's earth name of Mike.

Alex and Kelly were happily married and had adopted a baby daughter named Michelle. Something that Crisis had changed for them. A few years after Crisis they had adopted a son named Jerry. Michelle was now helping Karen and Michael in the field as new Team Supergirl. Jerry was not old enough yet, but he was in training.

Winn and Lena had ended up dating after Crisis and then getting married. They now have a daughter named Jessica and she is the one who runs the computer and comms for Team Supergirl.

James and Lucy ended up working things out on Earth Prime and had gotten married. They had Twins James Jr. and Jenn. They are both a part of Team Supergirl as well.

Clark and Lois got married a couple of months after Crisis and had Jonathan about a year later. They also had another son two years after having Jonathan. His name was Jordan, after Jor-El. The two brothers were now helping their father in Metropolis. Jordan was still in training, but he would be ready before too long.

Samantha and Ruby had become a big part of Team Supergirl after Crisis. Ruby was still a big part of it helping Jessica with the comms and computers when the team had a mission.

J'onn had gone back to Mars for a while to be with M'gann. They were now back on earth and they had a daughter named Joanna and she was the new Martian on Team Supergirl.

Alura and Astra were considered the honorary Grandmother's for all of the children of the original Team Supergirl. They were always there to help in the tower when they were needed because they were from an advanced society.

Kara was still running the National Daily Newspaper that she had opened with the help of Cat Grant and Lena Luthor. It was now the best-selling Newspaper in the world. It had taken a few years, but it had overtaken the Daily Planet as the world's number one newspaper. It didn't hurt that she had taken away the Daily Planet's top reporter, in Clark Kent and Lois Lane.

Mon-El had started to work in the tower once he had decided to quit working at the alien bar after Crisis was over. He knew that he would be more help sharing his future knowledge to help make better weapon for Team Supergirl. He also helped with weapons for Team Flash and Team Arrow as well. Everyone that used to work at the DEO was also working at the tower now. Keeping an eye on things while New Team Supergirl was off doing their day jobs. They would send messages to the team if they were needed during the day.

Mon-El used the elevator to get to the bottom floor of the tower so that he could go and see Kara. "Hey, you up for lunch today?" Mon-El asked.

"Yeah. Just give me a few minutes to finish up this article I am working on and then we can leave." Kara said.

"That's fine. I will wait for you outside. I need to get some fresh air anyways." Mon-El said and Kara nodded.

About fifteen minutes later Kara walked out of the doors and saw Mon-El waiting for her. "So, where are you taking me to lunch today." Kara asked.

"I was thinking we could go get Chinese. You know you have not met your quota for pot stickers for the month yet." Mon-El said with a smile.

"Oh, we got a funny guy here. Keep talking like that and you will be on the couch tonight Mister." Kara said while also smiling.

"What? You know it is true though." Mon-El said.

"Yeah, I guess you are right about that. So, do we have anything going on tonight?" Kara asked.

"I don't think so. Do you have something in mind?" Mon-El asked.

"No not really. I just get bored sometimes at night because I am still used to having to help people at night, even though we don't do that anymore." Kara said.

"I know what you mean. It is just going to take us some time to get used to our new normal. I think we can do it though." Mon-El said.

"Yeah, me too. You want to watch a movie or something? That will keep us occupied for a little while." Kara said.

"I would like that. What do you have in mind?" Mon-El asked.

"I don't have one in particular. You know what our Netflix queue looks like right?" Kara asked.

"Haha. Don't remind me. We have all of these nights to ourselves and we haven't even made a dent in it yet." Mon-El said.

"Yeah, I know." Kara looked around and was thinking to herself.

"What's on you mind babe?" Mon-El asked.

"I am just thinking about this amazing life that I have and to think it wouldn't have happened if Krypton hadn't been destroyed." Kara said.

"I know what you mean. In reality that is what brought us together as well and look how that has turned out." Mon-El said.

"I know. We have so many stories to tell the kids and hopefully their will be many new stories to tell them as well." Kara said and they both smiled as they enjoyed their meal and the company that they were in as well.

A/N: So that is the end of my "A New Earth to Save" series. I really hope that everyone enjoyed it. Please leave some reviews to let me know what you thought of this story and the series as a while. Thanks for reading and I hope to have a new story or two starting sometime soon. Thanks again to everyone who read this story and gave me advice to make it even better.

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