Chapter 37

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Kara was now back to work at the National Daily Newspaper. She had written an article up about the Dominator attack and gave credit to all of the heroes that had fought in the battle. She was going to make sure that all of the heroes looked good this time around. She never agreed with the way that the heroes of Star City were treated on the old earth. Oliver was like a big brother to her now anyways and if anyone talked bad about her family, she was going to have something to say about it.

After she was done with the article, Kara had to make a couple of calls. Her first call was to the Metropolis branch of the paper. When she called the phone was answered. "National Daily Newspaper, Lois Lane speaking." Lois said.

"Never thought that I would hear you talking to someone in such a formal way." Kara said.

"I am full of surprises. So, how is the article coming?" Lois asked.

"All done and sent to the printer to be in tomorrows addition. It makes all of us look good. Especially our friends from Star City." Kara said.

"That's good. I know I didn't like Oliver much at first, but he grew on me. Now, I think of him as one of our whole big family." Lois said.

"Yeah. He and Barry are like brothers to me. So, how are things going at the paper right now?" Kara asked.

"Everything is going fine. We have everything all set up and I decided that I didn't really want to be Clark's boss, so I hope it is ok with you because I made him my co-editor." Lois said.

"HaHaHa, I knew you were going to do that to begin with. It's fine though." Kara said.

"How did you know I was going to do that? You know how I like to bust Clark's chops. I thought you would have thought that I would want to do that." Lois said.

"I know you like to bust his chops, but you also know that you can never really upset him to much because then you get upset too. That is what makes you such a good couple." Kara said.

"Anyways, I think Sam is coming out this weekend. You should come too. It will be fun to catch up." Lois said.

"I will think about it. I don't want to get in the way of brother and sister time." Kara said.

"Who said anything about you hanging out with them? I was talking about you and me hanging out." Lois said.

"I will be there. You know I will have to bring my husband as well." Kara said.

"That's fine. I enjoy his company most of the time as well." Lois said.

"Ok, we will see you this weekend. I have to go. I will talk to you later." Kara said.

"See you this weekend." Lois said as she hung up.

Kara then made a call to the Central City branch to see how things were going there.

"National Daily Newspaper, Iris West speaking." Iris said.

"Hey Iris, how is everything going there?" Kara asked.

"Everything is going great. I am glad that I had some experience with this on the old earth or I might be completely lost right now." Iris said.

"Why do you think I put you in charge of that branch anyways? I knew that you were going to do great at running a big newspaper." Kara said.

"Thanks. Anyways, I am working on hiring people right now. I already have enough people working to make a decent paper, but I needs some more people to help make it a big paper like what you have." Iris said.

"Take you time. You will get there. So, is there anything that you need from me before I go?" Kara asked.

"Nothing that I know of right now. I will let you know if something comes up though." Iris said.

"Ok, I will talk to you later." Kara said.

"Bye." Iris said as she hung up her phone.

Kara got to thinking about where she would like to expand to next and she knew exactly where she wanted to go. She just had to find someone to run that branch. She picked up her phone and dialed up one of her friends.

"Hello Kara." The voice said.

"Hey Oliver. I was thinking about opening a branch of my newspaper in Star City. I just don't know of anyone who could run it." Kara said.

"I might have an idea. Let me run it by them first and see what they say, and I will get back to you." Oliver said.

"Sounds good. I am in no hurry right now. I just want to see how big I can expand this company. It will also help with you getting a better name for you and your team. I already talked good about your team in my newest article." Kara said.

"Thanks for doing that, but it doesn't really matter. I am going to keep doing this as long as I can. They aren't going to figure out who I am this time." Oliver said.

"That's good to know because I always thought it was ridiculous that you had to go to jail when all you have ever done was worked to make sure your city was safe." Kara said.

"I think it was mostly because of how corrupt the city was at that point, which is why I have been working so hard to get rid of everyone that was corrupt this time around, so I don't have to deal with that this time around." Oliver said.

"By the way, I am planning on writing a story about that. Do you mind if I call you, Laurel and Quentin to do an interview sometime soon?" Kara asked.

"Sure, just give us a call and we will give you everything that you need." Oliver said.

"Thanks. Anyways, I need to go and check on things around here. Let me know what the person you think can run the newspaper says. Talk to you later. Kara said.

"Talk to you soon." Oliver said as he hung up.

Kara then decided that she would go and see if there was anything that any of her employees needed before she went up to the tower to see if there was anything that needed Supergirl's attention.

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