Chapter 8

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In the last couple of months Kara had been stopping a lot of criminals from Fort Rozz. It was now Christmas Eve and she was looking forward to spending some time with her family as well as Mon-El. The next thing she knew she was getting a call from the DEO saying that someone had attacked Lord Tech and had stolen something. They found out that it was Non and some of his followers.

When she got to the DEO, Kara went to talk to Winn about making something that would make her and her mom and aunt's suit block kryptonite. Winn said "All of you change into your suits. I have something to show you."

The three women did as he said, and Winn went to find a chunk of kryptonite and when he used it on them it didn't affect them. Kara said "This is great. Why did we not have this before?"

"Because we know better now and plus, I have lived in the future so I know how to make things that I would not know how to before." Winn said.

"Good point." Kara said.

The plan was for the three of them to fly out to Fort Rozz and let Astra try to talk some since into Non and if that didn't work, they would use kryptonite on Non and his army. They knew that Non did not know about kryptonite because the only reason that they knew about it last time was because the DEO had used kryptonite again the Kryptonian army earlier on so that they were about to find out a way to counteract it. That did not happen this time, so they still had that as a surprise.

They flew out to Fort Rozz and as soon as they got there Non and his second in command came out to meet them. Non looked at Astra and said, "I can't believe that you would turn on us and work with your sister after what she did to us."

"We deserved what happened to us on Krypton Non. We did everything the wrong way even though we were right about what was going to happen." Astra said.

"Well I am trying to keep that from happening on this earth and this is the only way." Non said.

"This is not the only way Non. All we have to do is help save the people on this earth and it will be just fine. What you want to do is control everyone and that is conquering this planet and that is not what it needs. The people just need us to lead by example and then they will know what to do." Astra said.

"That won't work Astra and you know it. They won't follow our lead just like the people of Krypton wouldn't and look at how that turned out. It is better to control them then to leave it up to them what they are going to do. I am sorry that you don't see things my way anymore, but this has to be done." Non said.

"I am sorry to have to do this, but you leave me no choice." Astra said as she took out a gun and aimed it at Non's head.

"You know earth weapons don't work on us. So, I am not scared about you shooting me." Non said.

All of a sudden, a shot rang out and blood started run from Non's forehead and his second in command realized what had happened as he looked over and saw that his leader was dead.

Kara looked at the Non's second in command and said "You and your friends now have a choice. You can live here in peace, you can leave here and never return, or you can fight us, and we will finish you all off because you can see now that we do have the capability to do that."

He thought about it for a moment and then said "I think we will leave this planet and never come back. While I will not attack you for what you did to our leader, I can't say that same for some of my friends that are in the prison. So, it is probably just best that we leave."

"Very well. Do the power booster on the prison have enough power for you to fly it away?" Alura asked.

"Yes, there appears to be enough power. Goodbye General." The man said.

Astra nodded and they stayed there and watched until the prison was off the ground and headed for space just to make sure that the other Kryptonians didn't try to double cross them.

They then flew back home and changed back into their normal clothes and welcomed everyone for the party that they had put together for Christmas Eve. Alex, Eliza, Mon-El, J'onn, Winn, James and Kelly showed up and they all talked about what happened at Fort Rozz. Everyone could tell that Astra was upset because she did just kill her husband to save this planet.

Kara walked up to her aunt and said "Aunt Astra are you doing ok? I know this must be difficult."

"I am doing ok little one. I am just upset that I had to kill my husband. I thought I would be able to get through to him." Astra said.

Kara nodded and then headed over to the group and said "Alright everyone it is time to open present. Maybe that will liven this party up a little bit."

Everyone laughed when Kara said that. Everyone shared their presents with each other, and they had a great time for the rest of the night. They knew that this would be the time for resting because they knew that it was possible that Mon-El's parents could show up anytime now, or the world killers could activate, or Agent Liberty could show up. For right now though, they were just happy to be with friends and family and to have a little bit of peace at Christmas.

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