Chapter 29

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The next day Kara was going to be visiting the new additions to Team Arrow and Team Flash. She thought that she would go see Oliver and Laurel first since they had probably had more rest than Barry and Caitlin had. Kara opened the breach and came out in an alley across from the hospital. She walked in and asked for Laurel room number and was told where to go. When she walked into the room, she saw both of the parents holding a baby in their arms.

"So, how are my new niece and nephew doing?" Kara asked.

"Hey Kara, it is good to see you. Would you like to hold one of the babies?" Laurel asked.

"Sure. So, what are their names?" Kara asked.

"Olivia Elizabeth and Conner Lance Queen." Oliver said.

"Those are good names. Hi Olivia. I am your aunt Kara. Wow she looks like a mix between both of you. She is beautiful." Kara said.

"Yeah, figured at least on of our kids should look like both of us. Because Mia looks like a mini version of Laurel and Conner looks just like me." Oliver said.

"Let me see Conner. Yep you are right he does look like you." Kara said.

"So, how is Mia taking having siblings now?" Kara asked.

"She has done well so far. She has held both of them and she seems to be very protective of them. She was sad that she had to leave to go to school today." Oliver said.

"I could always see her being protective of people. It is what will make have a great hero when she is old enough to become one." Kara said.

"Yeah, I just hope she doesn't grow up to fast. She can already kick most of the team's asses when sparring. I guess that means the city will be in good hands once we decide to retire." Oliver said.

"It definitely will be, and it looks like Central City will be as well, with Allegra and Dawn. I am actually going to visit them after I leave here." Kara said.

"Yeah we will visit them in a couple of days, once the babies and I are released from the hospital." Laurel said.

"So, anything interesting going on in National City right now?" Oliver asked.

"Well, I now run my own newspaper company and I am getting everything together for the wedding. Oh, by the way Laurel, I wanted to ask if you would be a bride's maid?" Kara asked.

"I would be honored. You wouldn't have happened to have the wedding after the babies were born just so I could be a bride's maid, did you?" Laurel asked.

"Actually, that is exactly what I did. I wanted both you and Caitlin in the wedding, so everything worked out perfectly." Kara said.

"You didn't have to do that Kara. I would be honored to be your bride's maid though." Laurel said.

"Thanks. So, I think I will leave you two to rest now. I need to go visit Barry, Caitlin and Dawn. I will see you guys later." Kara said as she opened a breach and walked through and came out in STAR Labs.

"How guys, how is the new addition to the team?" Kara asked.

"She is doing great. I just put her down for a nap." Caitlin said.

"That's fine. Maybe she will wake up before I leave." Kara said.

"So, her name is Dawn, right?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, Dawn Jessica Allen. So, how are things in National City?" Caitlin asked.

"Not much crime right now. Basically, I have been busy getting my newspaper up and running while also planning the wedding."

"Hi Kara." Barry said as he walked into the room and gave Kara a hug.

"Hey Barry. The wedding plans are going fine. I think I got most everything taken care of. Oh, by the way, I was going to ask if you would be a bride's maid?" Kara asked.

"I would be happy to be a bride's maid. Just let me know the details." Caitlin said.

"Will do." Kara said.

Just then Dawn started to cry, and Kara said "Let me take care of this. The two of you can get some rest." Kara said.

She walked over to the baby and picked her up. Kara sang to her while she was swaying around. After a few minutes Dawn calmed down and Kara got her first good look at the baby. She realized that Dawn was a mixture between both of her parents. She definitely had Barry's eyes though.

When she was done calming Dawn down Kara walked into the room with Barry and Caitlin and said "She has your eyes Barry. She is beautiful." Kara said.

"Thanks. So, did I miss anything while I was gone?" Barry asked.

"Just that Kara has been working at her own newspaper company and that she is working on wedding details." Caitlin said.

Kara looked at her watch and said "I should let you guys get some rest. I will see you guys later."

Kara opened a breach to National City and stepped through, coming out in the tower. She then called Mon-El so that they could put the finishing touches on their wedding.

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