Chapter 36

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Barry and Caitlin woke up to see that they were in bed and it was seven in the morning meaning that it was time to go to work. They were happy to know that they didn't need to use their powers anymore to look out for the city. Oliver had made it so that there was no crime when he reset the world after crisis.

Kara woke up with Mon-El and looked down to see she was pregnant with their first child. She was also the best reporter at Catco right now. It really helped her that there was no more crime so there was no need for Supergirl, therefore she could spend her time focusing on being a great reporter and taking care of her baby.

Oliver and Laurel woke up to Mia and the twins coming into there room to wake them up for breakfast. They were still living in their penthouse and Oliver was in his second term as Mayor and Laurel was still the city's district attorney. There was also no crime in Star City so they could spend most of their time with their kids when they were not working.

Sara woke up the next morning in the bed with Ava who she had finally married a couple of months back. They were living in Star City and they were talking about adopting a kid. Sara and Ava both had jobs at the FBI. They were good at their jobs because that is all they really had to focus on other than their nieces and nephew.

It was time for the group to get together and celebrate the fact that they had defeated the Anti-Monitor and created this new nearly crime free world. They did this every year so they could remember what they had done in the past to save the world.

They all breached to Central City to use the hanger that they used to gather the Justice League when they fought against the Dominators. When Kara breached there, she had a vision of herself being beamed up to the dominator ship. She went around to the other to see if they had any visions as well.

Kara walked up to Barry and Caitlin and asked "Have you guys been having any weird dreams lately? I feel like this is all wrong."

"No, I haven't had any dreams like that. Maybe you are just missing the action." Caitlin said.

"Yeah maybe you are right." Kara said.

She then saw Sara and Ava and thought that she would ask them as well. "Now, that I think about it, as soon as I got here something felt a little bit off. Like maybe we didn't defeat the Dominators or something like that." Sara said.

"What are you talking about. You beat them like six years ago." Ava said.

"I know but for some reason it is like we were just fighting them again." Sara said.

"I know, I had the same feeling. It's like we are stuck in a dream world or something." Sara said

Sara thought about her last statement and said "Shit we are caught in a dream world. They did this to me again."

"Oh, so this is what it was like to be in that dream world. I do have to say, I am enjoying this world. It is everything I have ever wanted." Kara said.

"I know, it makes you want to stay but we can't do that." Sara said and Kara nodded.

"Let's go talk to Oliver and Laurel and see if they can remember." Kara said and Sara nodded.

"Hey guys, how are y'all doing tonight?" Sara asked Oliver and Laurel.

"I just can't believe we got stuck in this dream world again. It's not like this shit works on me with my specter powers. I could tell as soon as we got here." Oliver said.

"Yeah, once Ollie told me what happened the last time the Dominators attacked, I started to get flashbacks from our fight with them." Laurel said.

"Ok, so the four of us know what is going on. Now all we have to do is snap Barry and Caitlin out of it." Sara said.

"That is hard to do if you don't believe that this is not real, because this is what we all want to a point, but as soon as I realized I loved being the Black Canary everything just became clear and I could tell this was fake." Laurel said and the four of them went to try and talk some since into Barry and Caitlin.

Down on Earth the team was wondering how they were going to get up to the ship to help their friends. They didn't have the Wave Rider this time.

"I have an idea. I am glad that I have a communication device that allows me to get in touch with my friends from the future." Mon-El said as he took out the device and made the call.

"Ok, so what was he talking about?" Thea asked.

"On the old earth, Mon-El went to the future and married someone from there. They came and helped Kara and her team fight their last villains. So, they all keep in touch now." Clark said.

"Ok, they will be here soon. Then we can get a small group to go into space to help our friends." Mon-El said.

Back in the dream world, Kara, Sara, Oliver, and Laurel had finally broke through with Barry and Caitlin so that they could try to get out of this world and return to help their friends fight.

"So, how did you get out last time?" Caitlin asked Oliver and Sara.

"There will be something that doesn't belong and that is how you escape. A portal will be there." Oliver said.

"Ok, so let's go outside and see if there is something that doesn't belong." Barry said.

They all went outside and looked to see if something was there that wasn't supposed to be and then Oliver found it.

"My dad never expanded Queen Consolidated into Central City. That has to be where the portal is." Oliver said.

The group took off running toward the building when they got inside, they saw the portal. They all ran to it and they escaped the dream world. Once they were out, they all went to find an escape pod that they could escape in. When the team was out in space, they saw this big ship approach them that Kara was the only one who recognized it.

"That's our friends coming to pick us up." Kara said and their pod was pulled into the ship.

"Thought a call to our friends from the future might come in handy. I guess I was right." Mon-El said as he hugged Kara.

"Thanks, for the help man, but let's get back to earth and end this." Barry said.

"Stein was just about finished making the devices that will cause the dominators pain. They should be ready to go by the time we arrive back on earth." Mon-El said and the other heroes nodded, ready to finally end this fight.

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