Chapter 14

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It had been a few weeks since Mon-El's parents had shown up and it looked like his father was coming around when it came to living on earth. His mother was another story all together. She seemed to hate it because she was used to ruling people and that was not happening on earth. Mon-El and his parents were sitting in the bar that he worked at and he asked them "So, what do you think of earth so far?"

"I think that I am getting used to it. It doesn't seem to be as bad as I thought it was when I first got here." Lar Gand said.

"I don't understand what you what you see in this place. Everyone are equals. They need someone to rule over them." Rhea said.

"Mom that's the good thing about this place it is a democracy not a monarchy. It allows people equal right." Mon-El said.

"That's the problem son. People should not be equal. They should have someone that is better than them rule them." Rhea said.

"Mom, if that is how you see it you might as well leave now." Mon-El said.

"We are not leaving without you son. We did not travel this far to leave you here." Rhea said.

"Rhea, he wants to stay here. He is old enough to make his own decisions." Lar Gand said.

Rhea looked at Lar Gand like he was crazy for saying that. She could not understand why he would let their son do what he wanted to. They were his king and queen. She would have to play the long game here and wait for her chance to take over this earth.

Mon-El left and went to meet Kara for dinner. They were having a good time as usual and then Kara finally asked "So, how are your parents liking it here? Are they any different than last time?"

"I think dad is coming around, but I think mom is looking for a way to take over the planet again like last time. She just can't stand it when she is not in control. I don't know if she is able to be changed. I wouldn't be surprised it she is talking to Lena again soon to make the big portal like she did last time to get all of our people here." Mon-El said.

"I hope it doesn't get that far but at least we have a backup plan with the lead disbursement device, and we know that the ring will protect you this time, so you don't have to leave this time. We could also use the portal though. It was a lot of help during the crisis that we face not too long ago. It allowed us to get the people off of earth 38 when it was destroyed." Kara said.

Mon-El nodded and then they went back to talking about general things and laughing and having fun. When they were done with their date they went home and watched a movie and then they decided that it was time to go to sleep because they had a long day ahead of them the next day.

Lena was sitting in her office working on one of her latest projects being that she had already the lead disbursement device. She looked up and she saw a familiar woman standing at her door and she was about to send her away until she thought about it and she knew that if she worked with Rhea it would be easier for her to make the big portal that she did last time. She would have to call Kara and let her know about it though because they were trying to be honest with each other now that they were friends again.

"Can I help you?" asked Lena.

"Yes, I think I have a project that will help your business and also this planet in the future. Would you be interested in hearing my proposal?" Rhea asked.

"I am always interested in projects that will help the planet. So, I will listen to your proposal and then I will let you know if I am interested." Lena said.

"Thank you. My project has to do with building a portal that will allow ships and people to travel to different planets or different places in space within a matter of seconds. Just think about all that you can learn from all the place you could travel. You could find other habitable planets incase something happens to this planet." Rhea said.

"I think that sounds very interesting. Send me the specs of the portal and I will start looking at what it would cost to complete this project. I would like to be your partner in this. I think it would be very beneficial to this planet." Lena said.

"I will get everything to you as soon as possible." Rhea said and then she left Lena's office.

As soon as Rhea had left her office Lena picked up her phone and texted Kara. "Hey, just letting you know Rhea just stopped by and she wants to build the portal again. I think that we should build it. It was a lot of help during the crisis. What do you think?" Lena asked.

Kara texted her back saying "Thanks for letting me know. I think it would be a good idea to build it just incase we would need it again sometime. So, yeah I would say to work on it with her." Kara said.

Lena texted back "I will try to make it so that she can't bring the Daxumites through it." Lena said.

Kara texted "It might be better to let them come. That way we actually have a reason to use the lead disbursement device. Not that I want to use it. It's just I don't think Rhea is going to leave without Mon-El and I don't think that she will ever stop trying to conquer earth anyways. So might as well make her think that she can do it before we release the lead." Kara said.

Lena texted "Not a bad idea. Good night Kara." Lena said.

Kara texted "Good night Lean. See you soon." Kara said.

A/N: Please review to let me know how I am doing so far and let me know what I can do better. Also, let me know if you have any ideas on things I can use in later chapters and I might use them. Thanks.

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