Chapter 38

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Kara was sitting in her office making sure that everything was ready to go to the printers for the next day's newspaper when she got a call from the tower from Winn. "What have we got Winn?" Kara asked.

"Looks like Lex is finally leaving his cell through his secret hideout. What do you want to do?" Winn asked.

"I am going to be there waiting for him when he comes back. Keep an eye on him and let me know what he is doing." Kara said.

"Will do." Winn said.

Kara finished up her work then she went to the tower to see her aunt and mother were their as well. She had been thinking about what to do with Lex once they caught him.

"What do you think we should do about Lex. He is a dangerous man. It might be better to kill him, but I can't do that. It's not who I am." Kara said.

"If you want him dead, I will be happy to do it." Astra said.

"Either that or I could call Oliver. I hate to keep on using him for that though." Kara said.

"Let your aunt to it then. She is more than willing and that way it won't make you look bad either." Alura said.

"Thanks. So, Winn, what have you found out about what Lex has been doing?" Kara asked.

"Looks like he has been going to his mansion and working on something. Who knows he could have got his hands on some black Kryptonite and is making himself stronger?" Winn said.

"Well, it might be better to go and stop him now instead of waiting until his is back at prison." Kara said.

"Ok, so who goes with you?" Alura asked.

"Just me and Aunt Astra right now." Kara said and everyone nodded.

Ten minutes later Kara and Astra were landing outside of the Luthor Mansion and walking inside to see what they could find. When they walked in it looked like no one had been there for a while so they used their Xray vision to look through the floors and walls and they saw an area that was covered with lead, so they knew that was where lex would be.

Kara went over to the wall and pulled the wall away to see a lead door there. She used her strength to pull the door off its hinges and entered the room with her aunt right behind her.

"How is it that you Supers always turn up at the worst times?" Lex asked.

"Well it does help that we have been watching you for years in your cell. We just had to wait for you to leave and then we would follow you and see what you are up to." Kara said.

"Smarter than I gave you credit for. So, what do you know about what I am doing?" Lex asked.

"You are trying to make a serum that will give you powers like Kryptonians have, but obviously you haven't figured it out yet." Kara said.

"You're right. I haven't figured it out, but I am really close." Lex said.

"To bad you won't get to use it." Kara said as she sped towards Lex and brought him over to her aunt.

"Do what you want with him. I will wait outside." Kara said as she handed Lex to her aunt and left the room.

"Oh, too scared to do the dirty work on your own Supergirl?" Lex asked.

"No, I just have other people who don't mind doing it so I can keep my hands clean. Nice knowing you Lex." Kara said as she left the house.

"So, what are you going to do now? Torture me for a while?" Lex asked.

"I probably should make this last for a while, because monsters like you deserve it, but I am not that kind of person, so I will make it quick." Astra said as she grabbed Lex's head and snapped his neck and the man fell to the floor dead.

Astra walked outside and said "It is done. He won't bother us anymore."

"Good. I hate that people have to die like this, but he is just a person that is to dangerous to be left alive." Kara said.

"I know. That is why I was willing to do this for you." Astra said as they both left flying back to the tower.

When they got back to the tower, Kara was having a conversation with her family when a breach opened and someone Kara hoped to never see again stepped out.

"What are you doing here? I thought we were done with you." Kara said.

"You are never done with me Kara Zor-El. I am always keeping an eye on everyone." The man said.

"What do you want Novu?" Kara asked.

"Just to give you an update on things." Novu said.

"Well get it over with and leave." Kara said.

"Your team, as well as Team Arrow and Team Flash are doing well with all of your missions so far. I was hoping to have better news for you though, but the Crisis looks like it is still coming. Lucky this time Lex Luthor will stay dead though." Novu said.

"I thought you said if we did things differently, we wouldn't even have to deal with the Crisis again." Kara said.

"I thought that it was possible, but I was mistaking. The good thing is I have seen all the hero's futures and this time around no one will die." Novu said.

"Well that is a relief. I just don't get why this time no one would die though." Kara said.

"Well we have the real Paragon of Truth this time around. Last time around this person was taken when they were not supposed to be." Novu said.

"Who is this person? I don't understand how one person can change everything." Kara said.

"Laurel Lance was meant to be the Paragon of Truth, but because she was killed before her time everything went different then it was supposed to go, but with her still here everything has been righted." Novu said.

"So, how long do we have?" Kara asked.

"Once you finish with Leviathan, Oliver defeats the Ninth Circle, and Barry defeats Bloodwork, you will all be ready for the Crisis and this time you will prevail without the destruction of all worlds." Novu said.

"Ok, it just seems weird that one person can change everything." Kara said.

"Well, you do have something else that you didn't have the whole time the first time around." Novu said.

"And what is that?" Kara asked.

"Oliver is still the Spector. That will come in really handy when he goes up against the Anti-Monitor. He has gained more experience with those power of the last four years and he is now experienced enough with them that he will be able to stop the Anti-Monitor earlier this time." Novu said.

"Ok. Well thanks for letting me know. Now if you would leave. I have a lot to think about." Kara said and Novu opened a breach and left.

"I was really hoping this was not going to happen again." Kara said looking really upset about this.

Supergirl - A New Earth to Saveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें