Chapter 3

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When they woke up the next morning Kara remember that Alex was supposed to be on a plane flight that day. If the same thing that happened last time happened again than this would be the person time for her coming out as Supergirl. The good thing is she already had her suit courtesy of the Monitor so she didn't have to worry about being noticed by anyone.

Kara walked out of her room the same way she did the morning before and her mother was cooking breakfast for them. She walked up to her mom and gave her a hug and said "I think that I will probably be coming out as Supergirl today if everything goes the same way it did on the old Earth."

"How can you be so sure of that?" Alura asked.

"Because Alex is going on a flight today and the last time this happened, the plane had a malfunction and I had to save it. It is the exact same the happened on the old earth. And once people know about Supergirl, that will bring Astra out of hiding as well because she will come and visit me." Kara said.

"In that case, I would like to be there when you meet her, because if we are there together then we stand a better chance of getting her to change her plans. I know you almost changed her mind last time, but it couldn't hurt to have the both of us there." Alura said.

"I agree about that." Kara said.

"Well anyways. I have got to get to work. I will see you at the DEO in a little while." Kara said.

"Yeah I will see you there." Said Alura.

When Kara got to work, she walked into her boss's office to see what kind of new assignment she had. Snapper Carr turned around to her and said "Danvers, I have a new assignment for you. I want you to go interview Lena Luthor about the way the way that she is going to be running her business now that her brother is in prison."

"On it boss, I will get on that right away." Kara said.

Kara left to go have her interview with Lena and when she walked into her office. She realized that something was off with Lena.

"Is everything alright Ms. Luthor?" Kara asked.

"If you mean am I ok with my best friend lying to me about being Supergirl then I am good." Lena said

"How are you able to remember things about the old earth?" Kara asked.

"Somehow Lex managed to give me my memories back from the old earth. I am actually kind of glad that he did, so now I know that all of my friends are liars. What did I do to deserve that?" Lena asked.

"You didn't do anything to deserve it. But while we are on the topic, you have lied to me just as much as I have lied to you. I mean you made kryptonite, you made black kryptonite, and you worked with Lex. So, tell me who do you think caused the most damage with their lies?" Kara asked.

"Ok, I see your point and I guess if you forgive me then I can try to forgive you." Lena said.

They sat down to try to work on the interview for a little while. They didn't really have to do much because it was pretty much the same as the last time. When Kara was about to leave, they decided to make plan for tomorrow for lunch. They weren't back to being friends yet, but they could see that they were on their way.

Kara got back to Catco and work on her articled and when she was done, she turned it in to Snapper and then she went back to her desk and worked on some other smaller articles that she had. When she was done, she called Mon-El to see if he had any plans for the night.

They had talked about it and they decided that they were going to the alien bar for drinks and maybe a game or two of pool. When she got home to get ready for her date, she called Alex and she came over to help Kara pick and outfit to wear. Once they were done with that Kara left to go to the bar and Alex left for her flight.

When Mon-El saw Kara walk into the bar he went over to meet her and he said "You look beautiful tonight. Not that you don't always look beautiful."

"Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself." Kara said

They went to get their drinks from the bartender and then decided to play a game of pool. It was surprising, but Kara was not really that good at pool, so that didn't last to long. But then they heard some music start up and they realized that it was Karaoke night. So, they both picked out and song that they liked and they song in front of the crowd. Kara sounded very good and Mon-El left a lot to be desired.

When the date was over, Kara was on her way home and she heard and explosion. She looked up in the air and could see that a plane engine had ignited. She used her x-ray vision to look inside the plane and was happy to see that this time Alex was not on the plane. She took off her glasses and her suit formed on her body and she took off to save the plane. She ended up being able to get it back to the airport this time instead of have to land it in the water. After she made sure that everyone was ok, she decided to go home for the night.

Kara was glad the Supergirl was finally out there because that means that she does not have to hide anymore. And it also means that her Aunt will show her face now and hopefully she and her mom will be able to persuade her into doing what is right. That will have to wait for tomorrow though, because all she wanted to do right now was to go to sleep.

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