Chapter 45

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The team met the next day in the tower trying to decide which of the items that they were going to go after first. Either they would go for the ones that were further away first or they would go after the ones that were the closest. The more they talked about it, they decided that they would go after the items that were furthest away first.

"I think we need to go to Hong Kong and then we will go to Russia from there." Kara said.

"That is a wise decision. That way when we are done, we will be closer to home." Alura said.

"Ok, so we have a plan. I am going to take Mom, Astra, Karen, and Alex with me. That will leave Mon-El, J'onn, Nia, Winn, and Lena here." Kara said and everyone knew what they needed to do now.

"Ok, everyone go home and get some rest. The ones that are going with me, we will leave at eight in the morning." Kara said.

The next morning Kara, Astra, Alura, Karen, and Alex, who was on Kara's back flew to Hong Kong. When they arrived, they looked for any information they could find on where Dr. Wong was located.

"Looks like the doctor works at a research facility on the West side of the city." Alura said as they were about to head to their hotel rooms to change into their suits.

They were all of a sudden attacked by what could only be gang members. They could not expose their identities, so they fought without using their powers, which was not going so well for them, when all of a sudden, a woman jumps in and takes out all of the gang members who were most likely Triad members.

Kara looked at the woman in the mask with swords and said, "Thanks for your help. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't helped us out." Kara said.

"I think you would have been fine, Ms. Danvers." The woman in the mask said.

"How do you know who I am and how would I have been fine?" Kara asked.

"I am a friend of Oliver Queen's. He called and said that you would be coming and once I know who you were, I could see who you really were without your glasses. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me, Supergirl." The woman in the mask said.

"So, what is your name and how did you meet Oliver?" Kara asked.

"My name is Tatsu and I met Oliver on his third year away before he was the Green Arrow on the old earth." Tatsu said.

"So, you were on the island?" Alex asked.

"No, I was here in Hong Kong." Tatsu said.

"Well how did you meet him if you were never on the island?" Kara asked.

"Oliver was not on the island the whole time. He was here with my husband, son and I." Tatsu said.

"So, where are your husband and son?" Kara asked.

"Dead." Tatsu said.

"Sorry to hear that. So, we need to get this doctor and get him back to the US so that we can start to prepare for the Crisis." Astra said.

"Any idea of where to look for him first. We don't exactly know our way around here." Kara said.

"He spends most of his time at his lab. That will probably be the easiest place to find him. I will come and help you." Tatsu said.

"You don't have to do that. We have enough people here with us to do the job." Kara said.

"I promised Oliver that I would help you out with what you are doing, and I intend to keep that promise." Tatsu said.

"Ok, we let go and see if we can find the doctor." Alex said.

After the team had used their rings and had their suits on, they decided to go to the west side of the city where the research facility is. When they arrived at the facility, they saw that the Triad was already there. The team went out most of the Triad members. The only one that was any trouble for them was China White who was facing off with Kara, who easily to China White out and then they went to find doctor.

"Dr. Wong, we need you to come with us. We will explain everything when all of us are safe." Kara said and the doctor nodded while following the team back to their hotel.

After explaining what was going on to the doctor, he decided that he was more than willing to help with the Crisis in any way that he could. "So, what will it be that I am going to make for you?" Dr. Wong asked.

"I am not really sure. The next thing we are going after are the schematics that for building the device. We will know more when we find the schematics." Kara said.

"Ok, I would like you to get them to me as soon as you can so that I can start building this device." Dr. Wong said.

"We will do what we can to get them to you as soon as possible." Kara said.

"We are going to have to get you into a safe house. Once things cool down a bit you will be able to leave the house." Alura said and the doctor nodded.

"I would like to go to work in the USA. Do you think I would be able to get a chance to do that" Dr. Wong asked.

"Sure, you can. In a couple of days some people from an organization named ARGUS will come and pick you up. Be on the lookout for them." Alex said as she looked at her cone.

"I will be on the lookout for these people. Thank you for saving me." Dr. Wong said.

"You're Welcome. If you ever need anything, like let me know. Here's my card." Kara said.

"Thank you again for saving me. All of you. Where will you head next?" Dr. Wong asked.

"Moscow." Kara said as the team left.

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