Chapter 14

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As soon as we arrived at Fiji Aiport, our driver brought us to the hotel that my mom booked for us

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

As soon as we arrived at Fiji Aiport, our driver brought us to the hotel that my mom booked for us.

I put our bags in the room while Chaeyoung walking around the room; like an investigator, she checked the balcony, the bathroom and the bed.

I know that look.

"Don't worry Rosé, I'll sleep on the couch," I smiled reassuringly to her.

Honestly, after we got married we have never shared a bed.

It was either I would let her sleep on the bed, or she would stay with Ji Won as Ji Won wanted to sleep with Chaeyoung.

I mean I kind of understand her situation.
She didn't fall in love with me, and how should I expect that she would willingly to share the bed with someone she didn't love.

If I was her, I would do the same thing.

Chaeyoung was fidgetting with her fingers, and I knew that she was worried about something.

"What is wrong, Rosé?" I asked her.

"Let me sleep on the couch," She said slowly.

She was feeling guilty about it.

I walked closer to her and smiled reassuringly.

"It's okay Rosé, You don't have to be guilty,"

"Besides, I won't be a gentleman if I let you sleep on the couch, right?" I continued, and grinned after I heard she laughed softly.

"Come on now, we have to get ready for our 'honeymoon' trip that my mom planned for us,"

She nodded her head, and both of us getting ready for the evening.


Soon, both of us arrived at the beach as we wanted to watch the sun sets. Chaeyoung and I walked along the beach as we were mesmerising the beauty of the sea.

"Beautiful," Chaeyoung said suddenly while looking at the sea.

Indeed it was.

I smiled looking at the sea and turned around to look at her.

Oh, this one is beautiful too.


Instead of making our way to the shop, we agreed to stay on the beach for awhile before we sat on the sand beach, enjoying the view.

Chaeyoung called me softly and smiled.

"Thank you Y/N,"

I furrowed my eyebrows as I was confused what did she thank me for.

"For what?" I asked.

"For bringing me here. If we didn't accept your mom's invitation to go here, I would never get the chance to see this beautiful sight," She replied.

I chuckled and looked at her with my confused yet gentle face.

"Why?" She asked.

"Nothing, it is just... you look like you travel a lot, Rosé,"

"Looks can be deceiving but seriously, I'm not like you, Y/N," She said.

"What do you mean you are not like me?"

"You are rich Y/N, where you can afford to go anywhere and whenever you want to go. I am not like that," She smiled.

"I'm just a commoner who is poor and only dreams about where I want to go and how often I want to," She continued.

I nodded my head as I understood what she means.

"But now you are with me,"

"That's... kind of true," She laughed softly as we were continued watching the sunsets.


"Y/N, The food were amazing !" Chaeyoung said excitedly as we were on our way to the hotel.

"I'm glad you like it, Rosé,"

"Like it? Oh no, I LOVE it," She laughed, and I shooked my head.

"Bad jokes?" Chaeyoung asked me as when she saw my reaction.

"I didn't say that," I teased her.

"Well, your reaction did," She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Why did you really think it is a bad reaction for your joke?" I fought back.

As we were fighting like a child at the back of the car seat, the driver stole a gaze at us on the mirror.

"Newlywed," He murmured while smiling kindly.

Soon, we arrived at the hotel, and I thanked the driver before he drove away from us.

"Anyway Rosé," I said while walking side by side with her as we entering the hotel.


"I hope you really eat a lot just now, because tomorrow," I turned my head and stared at her.

"Tomorrow what?" She asked.

"You are going to need a lot of stamina," I smiled.

Confused, she stopped me from walking and crossed her arms on her chest.

"What is it? Are you not going to tell me?"

"Maybe not," I stucked out my tounge, teasing her.

Chaeyoung was annoyed with me when suddenly her hands pinched me on my waist.

"Come on, tell me!" She yelled softly while giggling.

"We are going to climb the mountain," I said.

"Oh, I also need you to brave tomorrow too,"
I continued.

"And why is that?" Chaeyoung tilted her head.

"Oh about that one,"

"Yes?" Without realising Chaeyoung leaned closer as she was curious about that.

"Not going to tell you~" I replied as I began to walk away from her; leaving Chaeyoung standing alone, thinking and with a lot of questions in her mind about what was going to happen the next day.

It is going to be fun.

Play Pretend || Rose x Male ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz