Chapter 7

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"I'm sorry Mr. Go, I don't think I can do this," Chaeyoung put the contract back on the table before standing up making Y/n confused.

"If you excuse me," Chaeyoung quickly tried to reach the door, but failed when Y/N caught her and hold by her arms, trying to stop her.

"Please Chaeyoung, think about it," Y/N pleaded.

"Wh..y why don't you find someone else Mr. Go. How about... you try to ask Jennie unnie. I'm sure she will consider it," Chaeyoung said without thinking as she was panicked.

Sorry Jennie unnie.

"No I don't need anyone else, I only need you," Y/n said.

"I'll pay you. Tell me how much do you want, I can pay you," He continued.

That is a little bit too much.

Without realising it, Chaeyoung slapped Mr. Go on his face after heard what he said to her.

"Mr Go, I don't need your money. Do you think that I'm cheap? That I'm a gold digger? I have feelings, Mr. Go," Chaeyoung voice quivered as she was trying to hold back her tears  before walked away from Y/n, and his room.

"Chae, are you okay?" Jennie asked Chaeyoung who just got out from Y/n office.

"I'm okay unnie.Um, I am taking a day off today. I am feeling a little bit sick. I'll see you soon unnie," She quickly took her things on the desk and quickly walk out from the building as fast as she can.


Kate was sitting on the couch in their living room,watching cartoon on the television when Chaeyoung opened the door, and slammed it.


"God Chae! You scared me," Kate sighed in relief realising it was her, but then she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Wait, Why are you back so early?" Kate eyes followed Chaeyoung's movement, getting curious about what happen.

"Nothing, I'm- I'm just.. not feeling well," She answered and walked to her bedroom and locked the door.

Chaeyoung took a deep breathe, putting her bag on the couch inside her bedroom before walking to her bed.

She stared at the pillow on the bed furiously before,

"STUPID Y/N! STUPID Y/N. HOW CAN YOU PROPOSE ME LIKE THAT!" Chaeyoung yelled softly, afraid that Kate would hear while punching the pillow on her bed.

Without realising it, her face was really red from embarassment.


"Jennie, please call Tim to come meet me inside my office," You said while massaging your temples after what happen with Chaeyoung just now.

"Dwaddy, wat is wong?" Ji Won looked at you while tilted her head.

"I really messed up, honey" You sighed and leaned your back to the chair, closing your eyes when suddenly there was a knocked on your door.

"Sir, did you call for me?" Tim went inside the office and stood up in front of him.

"Yes Tim, I have work for you,"


2 hours later

Chaeyoung wore a white tshirt with jeans before she walked out from the bedroom.

Kate looked at Chaeyoung confused and worried.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Kate asked.

"I am Kate, don't worry about me," Chaeyoung answered.

"Well, how can I not be worried about you chipmunk? You literally locked yourself in the bedroom for 2 hours," Kate shrugged her shoulders, while munching her snacks.

"Okay I'm sorry," Chaeyoung chuckled.

"I have to go to do my part-time job now," She continued while walking towards the front door.

"Hold on! Wait a minute. Are you talking about your part-time job right now?"

"Yup,"Chaeyoung nodded her head.

"I thought you already quit, aren't you?" Kate quickly turned her head to the back, looking at the chipmunk confused.

"I was going to, but I guess it is not going to happen now," Chaeyoung replied, before bidding her goodbye to Kate who was still looking at her.



Chaeyoung was organising the product on the shelves when she was stopped by her boss.

"Ms. Park, I need you in my office. There is something I need to talk and discuss with you," The Boss said before walked away from her leaving her behind.

Oh no.

Am I going to get mad at?

Am I going to be fired?

Chaeyoung was getting anxious and nervous, afraid that she would be getting fired in a flash.

"Stop overthinking, Chae. He just want to talk," Chaeyoung said to herself, trying to calm herself down while walking to her boss office.

Yes that is it.

He just want to talk.


Knock Knock Knock

"May I ...," She paused as soon as she saw the person inside the office.

No way.

What. The. Hell. Is. He . Doing. Here!

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