Chapter 18

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Funeral Services' Day of your Father

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Funeral Services' Day of your Father

You walked up to your mom who was lost in her own thoughts, looking at your father's photo in front of the church.

Slowly, you patted your mom's back softly, bringing her back to the real world as she was looking at you, smiling.

"I'm sorry, Mom. But it is time for you to go up and say something," You said.

Your mom squeezed your hands before walking to the front of the church while holding a paper of speech on her hands.

"Thank you for coming today. I really appreciate it and glad to see there are so many of you to show your love for my dear husband,"

Some of the guest weakly smiled as they gave support to my mom who were on the front of the church, and some of the guest were wiping their tears off from their face.

"My Husband, as all of you know He was a good husband, a loving father, a caring grandfather and also a great boss when he was managing the company by himself,"

"My time with my dear husband may be cut short, but the happiness, the sweet moment that I shared with him will always last for a lifetime. He always said to me with his most sweet soothing voice every night- Dear love, I am happy to have you in my life, to spend the rest of my life with you and I am grateful that you accept me for who I am. I hope your love for me will never fade. I love you, my Queen,"

Your mom turned her head to look at your father's picture and smiled weakly.

"My dear husband. My love for you never fade even for a moment because I know and I love you for who you are and will forever be. Thank you for existing in my life and left me a piece of you in our children. I love you, Forever and Always,"

She took a moment to breathe before walking back to the bench, sat beside Ara.


After the funeral, Ara helped Marian who was your family's maid to bring your mother to her room.

Chaeyoung approached you, and sat beside you while holding your hands.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" She asked.

You sighed before turning your head to look at her.

"I have to be okay, Rosé. I have to be strong for my mother who just lost her soulmate, for my sister who never got a chance to meet my father when  she finally here with us, and for my daughter who doesn't know what happen and where is her grandfather now," You smiled weakly.

"So, what are you going to do? " Chaeyoung quietly asked.

"Back to normal, back to work,"

"But Y/N, are you sure that is a good idea? I mean, your father just left all of you forever, and I think you are not emotionally stable yet,"

"He left, but I am still here to continue his legacy. The things he work hard for, I have to continue it no matter what,"

"And I am fine Rosé. Right now, please. just leave me alone," You desperately said to her before standing up walking to your bedroom.


Next morning, Chaeyoung was in the kitchen, helping Marian to make breakfast for the family.

"Coffee?" Chaeyoung offered Ara as soon as she saw her walking the island in the kitchen.

"Thank you," Ara smiled softly before taking the seat at the island in the kitchen.

Chaeyoung looked at Ara quietly who was stirring the spoon inside the cup that she just gave to her.

"Are you okay, Ara?"

"Honestly? I am not. It has been a long time since I didn't see my father, and now when I am finally home. He's gone," Ara chuckled sadly.

"I want to be happy, but I can't," Ara mumbled quietly that no one heard what she said.

As Chaeyoung was having a conversation with Ara and Marian in the kitchen, they heard Y/N was cursing as he walked downstairs.

"Y/N, the breakfast is ready," Marian called him sweetly with her old soothing voice, but he ignored her completely.

Without looking at all of them, he walked out from the house, leaving and sighing out of desperation.

"He sure look a mess," Ara looked at break the silence with sympathy voice.

"I'm sorry, Marian," Chaeyoung said.

"It's okay, my child. I have been dealing with him ever since he was a baby,"

"But not in that kind of way and you know it, Marian," Ara interupted.

"I have to bring this to your mother," Marian smiled sadly before going to pick up the tray of food to the room upstairs.


Mrs. Go took out a piece of paper that she took out from the envelope when the door was knocked from the outside.

"Come in," She said.

Marian opened the door and bowed before putting the tray on the bedside table.

"Marian," She called.

"Is Chaeyoung still at home?" Mrs. Go turned her head, looking at Marian with an intense eye. Somehow, Marian could see that Mrs. Go was angry about something after seeing those piece of paper in her hands.

"Yes, Ma'am," Marian replied softly.

"Good, after I finish eating this, ask her to meet me in the library. Alone,"

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