The R and the ER

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"Where's Jade?" The gang was more or less hanging around her block, they didn't want to go too far away from her house just in case she came back. Her aunt's car was still in driveway which made them even more confused. "Is she ignoring us?" Victor scoffs sitting on the balcony of Jade's house. Tulip sits on the steps, stretching in the warm sun. "She can't be, I remember her talking about going to the police station" Tulip lays her back on the steps, crossing her right leg over her left. "Police station? Why would she need to go there?" Belch followed up from leaning on the railing. Ironically, the losers happened to be walking by. They all sneered at the group causing them to speed up their walking, until Henry called out.

"Aye Mike" Mike (along with the rest of the losers) froze hearing the mullet wearing boy call out to him. Mike slowly turned around to face him, not making eye contact with him. "What's...Whats up?" The gang turned back to Henry, would could he possibly want with Mike? "I know you talk to Jade" Henry slowly walked away from the railing, kicking his feet on the ground. "Where the hell is she?" He had made his way to face the black boy who had a hardened glare on his face at him. "She talks to you guys more then me" Henry could tell he was lying, and it only pissed him off. "I saw you two yesterday at the library, so unless you don't want to be hanging by a damn tree tell me where the hell is she!" Henry had picked the boy up by his shirt, the group getting up to defend Henry it was needed.

"She's at the police station!" Eddie blurted out from behind him, causing Richie to shove him. "What the hell Eddie?!" Henry dropped Mike hearing this. He was trying to connect the dots, if the car was still in the driveway that only means... "Damn that man" He mutters thinking of Butch. "At least we know she isn't ignoring us, did she tell y'all what she went to the station for?" Tulip asked, she had also connected the dots not to long ago. The losers quickly shook their heads. Before Henry could press them, Tulip puts a hand on his shoulder. "They don't know, leave them alone before Butch shows up" Henry grumbled to himself, walking away from them. He'll continue next time. "Go the fuck away" The losers didn't have to be told twice before walking away. "No wonder she doesn't like you" Mike muttered walking away from the group. Henry froze in place, before could even do anything they were gone.

"Black bastard" Henry sat on the steps, tapping his foot rapidly. He just wanted Jade to hurry the fuck up.

As if on cue, the police car came down the single street. It stopped right in front of the house. The group turns to see Jade in the back seat, wiping her eyes. Butch seemed like he was saying somethings to her before her Aunt got out the car to let her out. "Aw! Look Jade! Your friends waited for you!" Jade glanced up at her, they could tell she was crying. "Y'all go take her out! Today's been rough!" "Yes ma'am!" Henry had a sarcastic smile on his face, ignoring his father gaze on him. They walked down the steps to meet Jade leaning on the Blue car, wiping her face to remove any tears. The police car drove off, putting the gangs mind at ease knowing he was gone.
"Why was you at the police station?" Jade sits on the bench at the park, staring off into the distance. She seemed so out of it, and it concerned the group, and frustrated Henry. "I went in to see who killed my parents. One of them turned themselves in and the other I had to pick his voice out" Jade looks down at her feet, new tears forming in her eyes. "I'm over talking about it," She left no room for questioning but yet somehow Henry found some spare space to question her. "How come those fucking losers knew where you were but we didn't?" Tulip went to correct him but Belch stopped her, shaking his head. Jade looks up at him, somehow forming a disgusted look on her face through her tears. "Are you fucking serious?" Her voice cracked. "I told you to not hang around them" Henry ignored all signs of her pleading for comfort. He was more pissed about the wrong things.

"You tell me not to hang around them because your fucking jealous!" Her tears had faded into anger. "You insecure white trash!" Tulip sucks her teeth, this is the closes she's ever been to insulting the boy without backing down. Belch, Tulip, and Vic mentally groaned seeing an argument coming. Henry didn't even know how to reply, insecure? He wasn't insecure! He just wanted her to himself! "I'm not fucking insecure!" He defended, shoving the girl roughly into the ground. "Watch who you're talking too!" Jade ignored the pain in her knees and in her heart. He seriously couldn't be having a moment right now? Right now?! "Or what! Or fucking what Henry!" She got back up, she removed her earrings after feeling the sudden urge to. "You know what will happen!" His face was turning red from yelling, the two of them had subconsciously moved into a fighting position. "You answer to me! You are below me!"

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