The murder of Shawna and Andrew Art(WIP)

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"Jade, now you tell them everything you know"

Jade stares at her older brother, trying her hardest not to cry. Her brother noticed and sighed, pulling her in close for a hug. "Jade, you waited since that night for this moment. You can't get cold feet now" Jade wipes her eyes, he was right. Ever since she's gotten to Derry this was all she was waiting for, justice. "B-But the system did you wrong Meechie" Jade stutters pulling back from the hug. "I don't want them to do mommy and baba wrong..." "They won't, stop thing about that!" He puts a hand on her head, smiling. "You got this, make sure no one else have to go through what we've been through ever again...."

The honk from the van was heard outside followed by Angelica's voice. "Jade! Let's go!!" Demetrius led Jade to the front door, he twisted the door knob and sighed seeing the silver van sit in front of the house. Jade was nervous, scared, and so many other emotions she hasn't felt since she arrived in Derry. Angelica's heels came clicking down the steps as she slowly guided Jade out the front door to the van. Henry opened the van door for the both of them, moving a seat back. "I'll take my car, Butch! You want to ride with me?" Butch has a debating look on his face before ultimately deciding to ride with Angelica. "Sure" He gets out of the front seat, everyone letting out a deep sigh. "Jade, you want shotgun?" Tulip asked, adjusting her visor to look at the girl. "No..." She mutters, gripping on Henry's arm tightly. She wanted to get this over with, she didn't want to waste too much time if she had too.

Belch had moved from the cramped back seat to the front, giving jade a smile. "You got it" Jade gave him a sour face, she wasn't mad at his words, she felt like she was going to get those words a lot this day. "Hey" She looks up at Henry, his face was hard to read at the moment (mainly because she wasn't focusing). "You, you got your story together? You wanna run it back?" Jade snorts a bit at him using her slang. "Um, yeah" Tulip turns down the music to hear jade talk as she followed Angelica down the road. "Let's see Uh...I was eating dinner, then I heard Baba shout from outside. Mama looked through the window and told me to go upstairs as she reached for the gun under the sink...I ran upstairs and hid under my bed, and...I heard them storm the house" Jade was trying not to cry as she told the story, she didn't want to think back on the night again. She held her head, rocking back and forth as tears came out of her eyes.

"And...And Mama shot them, Bill because they screamed how she shot him. Someone shot her and I heard her body drop on the ground, then I heard him say go check the other rooms...And that they did...They came in my room and sat on my bed after searching it. They talked about the reason behind it, over the promotion to New York...and um, they left my room after Robert called them too, It was John and...Brian" She didn't noticed how soaked her face was getting, Vic hands her a box of tissues. "Breathe" He told her, She takes a shaky breath as she wipes her eyes. "Then...Then I called my brother. I didn't go outside yet, he told me to call the police until he got there. I did that, and I waited...I saw the police lights and I started to go outside. The whole neighborhood was outside my door, and...Butch was looking up at the tree with a sad look. I followed his eyes, and there they were. Dead from the tree..." She hated using the 'h' word, it brought back too many memories.

"That's all that happened that lead up to it?" Patrick asked, he was rather interested in this. Jade never went into detail on her parents death, she always told them that they were murdered by the kkk. Never told them how, or what lead up to it. And it took awhile for the guys to even know about her parents. "Yes" Henry rubs her shoulder, everything made sense with jade. Her hatred towards the gang when she came, her happiness when she saw Mike, and all the anger she kept pent up inside of her. "Let me know when we're almost there" Jade lays on Henry's shoulder, closing her eyes. Her fingers kept tapping her thigh, a trait the gang hasn't seen since the first month of her stay in Derry. Henry kept whispering to her, trying his best to make her feel better. "I have a question" Her eyes were still closed as she spoke. "What if they get acquitted?" "They aren't" Reggie said sternly. "You don't know that" She cracked open her eyes again.

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