43: You Were Meant To

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At it again. School.

The halls are bustling. The teachers are yelling. The couples are kissing. Oh, high school, how I won't miss you.

Oliver had taken us to school, as he had been doing the semester before. Everyone always stared when I stepped out of the car. The incessant whispers of 'Who's that girl?' or 'What's he doing with her?' still bothered me. I hate attention, especially the attention that came from being the center of high school gossip. I just wanted to be Hazel the Prude, the nobody.

"A lovely day to start our last semester of high school, don't you think?" Levi comes up to and drops his arm over my shoulders.

I look to him and smile, handing him my books. He takes them unconsciously and we keep walking to class together.

"Yeah, lovely," I respond, messing with my silver chain.

I had the locket on too. Both of them hung from my neck every day without fail. It always brought a smile to my face when I remembered Christmas. The empty spot in the locket remains, waiting for a special moment to fill it.

"Are you okay?"

I nod, "Just tired, Oliver didn't come home till 4am last night."

"What could Oliver Grey have to do at 4am?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Be Oliver Grey."

We make it to our classroom and sit in our seats. As usual, Oliver never shows up to English, and if he does it's not on time. Today is no different. His shadow doesn't cover me like it does when he sits in his spot behind me. I miss the safety his shadow casts over me. God, I can't even remember a time I was afraid of his shadow. It feels so long ago.

Levi passes me my textbooks when I sit down, a little bewildered at how he ended up with them in the first place. I laugh at his face and take my textbooks before sinking into my chair. I pull the hood of my hoodie up and cross my arms.

I couldn't shake the thoughts of what Oliver did almost every night. Sure, he'd taken me to break into his father's house that one night, but is that all he did? Seems uncanny that Oliver Grey would sneak into his own house that often. Shouldn't his father want him home?

But then I remember his ugly voice. The anger that seeped through his seemingly kind words. There was something more to their relationship. Something that made Oliver run away and always want to punch his own father.

I sigh, still in the same confused state as before. The teacher is blabbing on and on about some paper we have to write if we want to graduate. I shake my head slightly at the stupidity. My eyes not really focusing on anything. My mind not registering the words. Im still stuck on Oliver Grey. If Oliver wants to share, he will.

"You look a little distracted," Levi tells me as we walk out of the classroom at the end of class.

I nod, "He's taking over my thoughts."

Levi's eyes widen at my plain honesty. I could not be bothered to hide what is going on with me. I feel exhausted and confused.

"Oh, well, Emma and I are going to the diner after school, what if you and the twins join us?"

"Will Emma be okay with it? I don't want to intrude."

Levi smiles, "She'd love to see you. Plus, it'll get your mind off things for a while."

I nod, accepting his offer. A night out with my friends and no Oliver might be just the thing I need to clear my cluttered head. Levi smiles and turns to go to his class. I walk off to my own, looking around the halls.

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