4: Lets Get Going, Boys

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Oliver Grey is officially MIA. Huh.

It's been 2 weeks and the rumors were starting to circulate. They'd been circulating. Some thought he'd run away. Some thought he'd been killed. Some thought he'd dropped out of high school. Some thought he'd joined the mafia. Weirdest one I'd heard though was that I'd killed him. Apparently, rumor has it, is that I killed him when he refused to have sex with me. Seems a little intense but that's high school.

"Did you kill him?" Some preppy girl that's always after Oliver asks.

"Why yes, he's hidden in my basement."

"I knew it!"

I roll my eyes and just make my way to class. She can't be serious. She can't seriously believe that I killed a man. I'm sorry, not just any man, Oliver Grey. This rumor must be a bigger deal than I thought. My money was on the dropped out of high school rumor but maybe I should switch to the one where I killed him.

"You've been the talk of the town lately."

"Hey Emma."

"So you didn't have sex with him, but did you kill him?" She laughs.


"You crack me up, Hazel."

"I'll see you around, Emma," I wave goodbye.

The late bell rings shortly after and I sit down beside Levi.

"You're a crazy one."

"What can I say? I'm kinky."

Levi laughs but goes slightly serious shortly after. Oh no, this can't be good.

"I can't drive you today."

"Levi, that's okay. You're not my chauffeur."

"I'm really sorry, Hazel. I know tonight is diner night."

I interrupt him, "It's only a 20 minute walk. We'll live."

He smiles a little and nods.

The rest of the day is filled with rumors of where the infamous Oliver Grey has disappeared to. Or rather, how he's disappeared. A few others come up to me asking if I'm the one that humped and jumped. That was their clever title for it. Since I'd humped him then I'd, well you get it.

My response was always the same, each one with a little more anger in my tone, "I didn't hump him so there was no reason to jump him."

I'd fallen prey to their clever title for this rumor. I'm weak. I'm weak and I fell for the high school drama. Whatever Oliver Grey was doing, he was probably perfectly fine.

English is honestly a bore without Oliver. Yes, I just said that. We can all calmly move on.

I don't get to think of sassy remarks or words with double meaning. I just get to sit and stare at Romeo and Juliet. Without Oliver in the mix we actually have time to do work, which sucks. At least Levi is here to keep me some company through the struggles.

"It's been a month of school and I already want to die."

"I have never related more."

These days, I wish I could drop out of school. But no, it's a government requirement that I show up and pretend to learn. Let's be real, public schools don't teach us anything except how to be a hoe or how to be invisible. Our social skills are great if you haven't noticed.

The walk with the twins from their school to the diner is quick. They were both hungry and the hunger made them walk in hyper speed. Not that I'm complaining, I was definitely hungry as well. When we walk in, Joe smiles. I lead the boys to our booth that we always sit at. I order the boys burgers while I only get some fries. There's no need to waste money on myself. Not in these trying times.

When we're at the end of our meal, the door opens and I feel the urge to turn and see who it could be. Who else but the loved Oliver Grey steps into the diner. His eyes were already on me and his steps were in my direction. He must've heard the rumors that I killed him and he's coming for revenge.

"You're gonna do something for me."

I look at him like he's insane. Oliver Grey has no right to talk to me like that. I am not his friend nor his side hoe for him to think that we can have some sort of conversation. When I catch his eyes I see all sorts of pain flowing through them. Not just that, he has a black eye and several cuts and bruises along his arms. He looks like he's been through hell or at least a fight.

"Boys, use the restroom before we go," I send the boys off.

Oliver takes this as a sign to sit down and continue this very unwanted conversation. Me talking to Oliver Grey? I don't know if I should run or stab my eyes.

"You're gonna help me then?"

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" I ask back.

He looks away and tenses up. Doesn't seem like he wants to talk about it. I don't push him so we settle down into a silence. What could possibly be wrong in Oliver Grey's life? He's rich, popular, sexy, talented, there's nothing missing. But yet, he was here talking to me. Hazel Kindler, the girl who's life is at the opposite end of perfect.

"I need a place to stay."

"Don't you have a mansion to go back to?"


He looks so broken. If anyone saw Oliver Grey like this they wouldn't believe it, they'd think they were dreaming. Oliver Grey doesn't have problems, there's no way anyone would believe him. He wouldn't ask for help, he doesn't. That's why he's asking me for help. If anyone were to actually listen to him, it'd be me. If anyone can keep a secret, it's me.

"I can't."


"I have limited resources, I can't sustain a growing teenager on top of two rowdy boys. I'm already drowning."

We both look at each other. Both with sadness and tiredness. These past few days have been hard for both of us, apparently. Me, running out of funds. Oliver and whatever mysterious bad boy problems he's going through.

"What if I help?"

"You? Oliver Grey?"

He rolls his eyes and breathes out. His eyes find mine again.

"I may need a place to stay but I still have money."

I look to the bathroom where Braden and Ben are making their way back to our booth. They run up to us, Ben going straight to Oliver rather than me. Braden sticks to my side, still a little shy around Oliver. Ben smiles up at Oliver and sits beside him in the booth.

"Oliver, you're back! Are you dating my sister?"

A familiar glint comes back to Oliver's eyes as he looks up to me. I mouth no, hoping he'll finally listen to me.

"Not yet."

That's better than expected.

"Let's get going, boys."

"Me included?" Oliver asks.

I look up at him then back to Braden and Ben. This could go horribly, but I need the money. This is a quick and easy way to get it. Never was I one to take the easy way out, usually trouble comes with it to bite you in the ass, but urgency called and it wants it's money back. It's a little shady but I need to pay the bills somehow. And this is honestly better than having to get a job. Like I would have time for another one.

"Come along."

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