41: But Your Kiss?

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Thank god I'm not a cheerleader. Peppy.

Imagine having to be bossed around by Ally. She'd hold her captainship over me every single day just to make me do whatever she wanted. Wow, did I escape a bullet there.

Seeing her hanging off of Oliver though, laughing and talking with him, touching him. That felt like a bullet all in itself. There was something burning when I saw the two of them. It irked me the wrong way.

I turn back to group right in front of me, everybody's staring at me expectantly. I ignore what I just witnessed, even though my stomach feels like it could puke itself out.

"So we getting drunk, or what?"

"Fuck, let's do it," Tyler agrees.

"Thought you'd never ask," Grayson smiles and pulls out a flask, "Part one of many," He states and takes a swig.

Everybody passes it along, each taking a long swig. At some point between swig two and three, Oliver makes his way over to us. He's alone, seemingly rid of Ally. He looks at me with a smirk but I can tell that the rest of his face is that classic stone cold face he loves to wear. He stressed about something though, it's obvious by his clenched fists that are turning his knuckles white.

I want to go ask him what's wrong. I want to go up and help him through this night with his father. If I remember correctly, later in the night the Grey family always has a toast where they have to stand and look like a happy family. That's yet to happen tonight, and Oliver doesn't look exactly pleased about drinking a glass of champagne by his father. I like to believe I understand what's going through his mind right now. If I had to even look at my father I could make dead to me apply to everybody.

I'm about to walk up to him and comfort him when Ally comes up from behind and wraps her arms around Oliver's. Oh, okay, she can comfort him instead, that's fine by me. Less moving on my part. My mind tries to justify what's happening, my gut is just pissed.

"There you are!" Ally laughs softly, "I go to the bathroom and then you're gone!" She hits Oliver's shoulder playfully.

Then, her attention turns to me, "Hazel the Prude? At the Grey Family Gala?"

I give her a small smile and ignore Oliver's gaze that's staring into me. I feel his blue eyes holding me. But I don't want to see his face. Mainly because I might do something rash if I do, I can't exactly trust myself when there's all these emotions in the pit of my stomach.

There's a chime from the front of the room that grabs all of our attention. Mr. Grey is standing at the front, a crystal glass in his hand. He's dressed in a tux and looks cleanly shaven. He was unrecognizable from the last time I'd seen him. He looks gentle, nice, friendly even.

Oliver huffs and walks off, it was his signal that he needed to play the good boy. Ally tags along side him, but he's able to shrug her tight grub off him as he makes his way onto the stage. Everybody is staring at him and his father. Mr. Grey smiles as though he's never done any wrong to Oliver, Oliver gives a weak excuse of a smile and takes the extra glass a server was holding.

"Welcome to the Grey Family New Year's Gala!" Mr. Grey begins, "My wife was the biggest fan of the holidays. I hope that this party can do her merry soul justice," He then looks to Oliver, "A few words, son?"

Oliver steps forward, bored out of his mind. From the back of the room he looks like he wants to throw the glass he's holding and maybe scream a couple hateful words. But no one else seems to notice his bad mood.

"Happy New Year's. My mom would've loved to be here."

My heart breaks as Oliver has to speak about his mom to hundreds of people he doesn't even know. I am still feeling that knot in my stomach. The pain deep down lessens when I hear Oliver speak to all these strangers though. It can't be easy, but why did Ally get to be comforting him?

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