37: Anyway, Enough About Me

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You know, I missed Levi. Friend.

I'd left the twins with Sarah, not wanting Oliver to have to deal with them alone. They weren't his responsibility after all. Plus, he was going to go see Grayson. Something about rich people and New Years. He didn't even know. Levi and I were due for a little hang out. It'd been so long, especially with him not having to drive me anymore and his new girlfriend.

"You told her dad he was a sexy man?" I can't help but laugh.

"It just came out. I think he liked it though."

Levi and I are in a little café, the same one Oliver had brought me to. It's a small town, there's really not that many quality places one can go. Levi is sitting in front of me at a booth. We've each got a muffin and a coffee. We've been here for about an hour and the party is just getting started.

I furrow my eyebrows, still laughing, "I'm sure he did, who could resist you?"

Levi chuckles, "Not Emma," He winks.

I keep laughing but then his words click on my brain. I stop in shock and stare at him wide eyed. Emma the Nerd and Levi the Ginger getting it on like the football coach and the cheer coach. Ew, wait, bad analogy.

"You and Emma? Emma and You?" I sputter out.

He smirks at me and nods, taking a relaxed swig of his coffee. He doesn't even look phased, he just looks proud of himself. I guess boys are like that though, proud they got to stick it in. Okay, the image of Levi and Emma is somehow more gross than the coaches. It's my friends.

I shake my head to rid myself of those images. If I left them in there too long they might sear into my brain forever.

"And you waited how long to tell me?"

"It was on Christmas."

"Oh, I see. So you can tell me about how you called her dad sexy but not how you and Emma did the dirty. Okay."

I try to look mad. I shrug my shoulders, look away from him, and take a sip of my coffee. Levi doesn't really seem to care and clearly sees through my little act. I guess that's why he's my best friend.

"I was building up the tension."

"I think you did that enough on Christmas."

Levi was mid sip when I speak up last. He coughs little into his mug, trying not to spit out his hot coffee in my face. I can appreciate the sentiment, but I laugh at his red face. A ginger with a red face is always a funny sight. He clears his throat a couple of times until he feels like he can speak again.

"Anyway, enough about me," He changes the subject.

I raise my eyebrows at him, urging him to continue.

"Your Christmas was interesting too."

I set my coffee down and pick at my muffin. I keep my eyes off Levi and just admire the purple dots on my muffin from the blueberries that bled through. I know my cheeks are heating up. The coffee was on the hot side, I give an excuse to myself. I can feel Levi's stare on me, waiting for me to speak up. I know that if I don't we're just going to stay in this silence for the rest of the day.

"Why would you say that?"

Levi rolls his eyes, "I hate it when you play oblivious with me, Hazel."

I finally look up at him and pop a piece of muffin into my mouth. Levi has a slightly concerned look on his face, but he's also bubbling with curiosity.

"Fine," I roll my eyes, "Maybe a little interesting."

"Yeah, because Oliver Grey living in your house is only a little interesting," Levi let's his sarcastic tone fill his words.

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