30: Time To Go!

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The twins are leaving me. Haters.

The 23rd rolls around and the twins could not be more excited to be sleeping over at Jacob's house. Their excitement was driving me slightly insane. It was ten minute of jumping around, ten minutes of begging me to take them. Oliver wasn't here, he'd mumbled something about exercise and left. I wish he was here though, he could deal with these rascals for a while.

I'd heard mention of this Jacob kid before. It was one of the twins' friend. He was a little nerdy, but what great friend isn't?

"Can we go yet?"

I look at the clock and back to the twins. I shake my head and smile at them.

"See that clock?" I ask, pointing to the large analog clock in our living room.

They look to where I'm pointing and nod their heads enthusiastically.

"When that long hand points to the ground, then we can go."

"Points down," they whisper and then look back to me with smiles, "Okay!"

I laugh at them and ruffle their hair before letting them go off and jump around some more. If they keep this up for the twenty minutes we have left they're going to be exhausted by the party. But then again, they are young. Oh, to be prepubescent again.

I go to my room and start organizing laundry. I still doesn't feel normal to fold and put away Oliver's clothes. The smell of vanilla and teakwood is never as strong on his freshly cleaned clothes, but you could tell it was his shirt nonetheless. All the clean clothes was his which meant my batch of dirty clothes remains unwashed.

I roll my eyes and go look in my closet for something other than pajama pants and a loose sweater. I didn't exactly want to drop my brothers off looking homeless.

I grab the next best thing and throw on one of Oliver's hoodies I recently folded. It was a simple black hoodie with the words 'smile' in the top corner. Kind of ironic coming from Oliver Grey. His stone cold face would beg to differ on this smiling philosophy.

I smile at myself in the mirror and try to subtly sniff the hoodie. I don't know why I try to be stubble, no one is here with me. I think it's more like I'm trying to convince myself that I'm not purposely smelling Oliver's clothes.

After twenty minutes, right on the dot, the twins come running into my room.

"Time to go!"

I nod at them and make them put their jackets on before they each grab their stuff for the night and we start our walk to Jacob's house. Jacob an his family live in a middle class neighborhood filled with classic wraparound porches. Thankfully, their house was only a fifteen minute walk away. We've done double that just for movie night snacks. We're dedicated when it comes to food.

"Are you boys excited?"

They shake their heads eagerly and start skipping down the street. Their backpacks slow them down a little but I can tell they're trying to get to Jacob's house as soon as possible.

When we finally arrive, Jacob's mom opens the door before I get a chance to knock. Not to call her a stalker or anything, but she was ready. She lets the boys in with a smile, telling them where to leave their stuff and where everyone else is. Then, she turns to me with a smile.

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