18: Got You

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We like October more than anybody. Sad.

All out fun stuff happens in October, then it's all down hill from there. The high energy from winning the big rivalry game had finally died down 2 weeks later. Everyone was now planning their costumes and what party they were going to. Halloween is more insane than any other holiday in this town. For some reason, we like losing our shit in October.

I'm walking with Levi, who's been very giddy since the game. Emma made a good impression on him, and vice versa. I was stuck in the middle, hearing them gush about each other to me. The third wheel vibes were immaculate, but I was happy for them. They were going to be a happy couple when they officially got together.

"I forgot to tell you!" Levi turns to me, stopping in his tracks.

I stop with him. We were right outside of the school, close to the parking lot. I could see Oliver's car parked, but he didn't seem to be there yet. I brought my attention back to Levi who seemed eager to tell me something.

"What's up?"

"Remember how Emma had Oliver's jersey?"

I nod, looking back to Oliver's car but shaking my head and focusing on Levi.

"So, all the cheerleaders had jerseys except for her, so Oliver gave her his so she wouldn't be left out."

"She told you this?"

It's his turn to nod his head and he smiles slightly. I look to the car and this time Oliver is leaning on the hood, doing something on his phone. I smile and look to Levi quickly before returning my gaze to Oliver.

"Guess he does have a heart after all."

"I was shocked too, didn't know he could be so nice."

I nod and give Levi a quick side hug before saying bye and running off to Oliver. He looks up to me when he hears me coming and walks over to open the passenger door for me. He's been doing that a lot more recently. I'm not complaining, I have to waste less energy.

"You're nice," I smile when he backs out of the parking spot.

"I told you."

"I didn't know it was in you,"

He looks at me with a smirk, "In you."

I roll my eyes at how immature he is. But a blush still works it's way up my cheeks. Curse him for making everything so sensual. Sometimes he's this mysterious bad boy and other times he says something like that. I never know if I'm talking to prepubescent Oliver or manly man Oliver. I guess that's part of the mystery.

"The twins have a game today, so you can just leave me at the school."

He shakes his head, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I'll watch them."

I smile at him, one of my biggest smiles, but since his eyes are on the road he doesn't see me. The twins were going to be ecstatic that their favorite Oliver was going to be at their game. I took the opportunity that we were at a stop sign to lean over and hug Oliver. He looks at me in surprise.

"No wonder you're bad at driving."

I let go of him and look at him with a mixture of anger and confusion.

"No one ever taught you that you shouldn't distract a driver."

I keep looking at him and smirk a little, "Didn't know I could distract the Oliver Grey," putting emphasis on 'the'.

He looks at me quickly, only enough to give me a glare and then returns to the road. I keep my smirk on my face even though his composure hasn't changed. He's still stone cold.

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