34: Sharing Is Caring

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This blanket is really heavy. Warm.

There's a weird voice coming from somewhere that wakes me up. The sunlight peaks through the blinds just slightly. I have to blink several times to get used to the lighting and to get the sleepiness out of my eyes. I turn to lay on my stomach and a heavy weight falls across my stomach.

Oliver's arm is hanging out across my body his hand wrapping around my arm and pulling me in closer to him. I yelp a little at the sudden movement. Oliver's eyes squint open just a tad when I'm close and he gives me a small smirk.


That morning voice of his is even more sexy than usual today. I feel a turn in my stomach as he speaks. His hand starts rubbing my arm through the fabric of his hoodie.

"Good morning," I smile back to him.

He turns his body so that he's on his back so that he can face the tv that's causing the voices. His arm that was on my stomach is replaced by one that wraps around my shoulders. I look to the tv too, just to see some random movie playing. Oliver picks up a remote and turns off the tv.

"Guess we fell asleep."

I nod, "You're comfy."

My cheeks heat up at my own words. I shouldn't trust myself to act normal without my morning coffee. I'm more zombie than human before my daily drug intake of caffeine. Oliver is smirking at me but I ignore him.

"What time is it?"

He turns to the bedside table and picks up his phone, checking the time. He sets the phone down again and turns to me. 


My eyes go wide as I recall Grayson saying that breakfast starts at 8:30am. That's only 7 minutes away. We're gonna be late for breakfast. In shock, I push myself out of bed, or at least try to. Oliver's arms wrap around me stop me. He's on his side, both his arms keeping me in. I try to break free of Oliver's hold, but he's holding me down to the bed.

"Oliver, we're gonna be late for breakfast."

"Cuddle with me for five minutes," He says groggily into the pillow.

I think about it for a second. If we stay in bed for five minutes we're only left with two to get ready. I'm supposed to brush my teeth for two minutes, not get my whole 'I woke up like this' routine done.

But Oliver's morning voice is really convincing. And if I'm being honest, I didn't see myself pulling a Houdini and escaping his hold sooner than those five minutes would be.

So I settle into his chest, wrapping one arm around his torso. He relaxes when I do so, one arm dropping to his side and the other staying wrapped around my back, rubbing random circles. I sigh and squeeze Oliver just a little bit. He kisses the top of my head and I imagine he's smiling that small genuine smile he has. If only I could see his face to confirm my thoughts.

We stay there in silence for the five minutes. Neither of us moving or speaking. We just take comfort in the presence of each other.

"Haze, it's time."

"No," I whine, actually enjoying the silence that's only filled by his light breathing.

"How the tables have turned."

I slap Oliver's side with my arm that's wrapped  around him, "I already told you you're comfy."

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