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'How quickly time passes' this thought flashed through the head of the pink-haired girl who stood outside with her father and son, all dressed up waiting for the arrival of a duke's son who had not been seen through these walls for a long time, the glory of their family. The girl was not in a good mood that day, if she were to be honest. She heard the voice of her green haired son, "Mom, who are we waiting for?" He asked not sure, the woman looked at the boy, she had been quite cool since this morning and not necessarily in a good mood, so it is possible that he did it too. After all, she forgot to explain to him who was coming today.

"By my brother." she said shortly and saw a carriage enter the square, a tall, well-muscled man got out of it, but he was shorter than the girl's father and looked less strong than he was. He had short orange hair and a scar on his right eye, a uniform jacket was thrown over his back, it was white and green. They both recognized the man without any problems, yes it was him, the beloved son of Duke Migite, Lorezo. "Son, my baby." While saying this, the man opened his hands wide.

'It still hurts...' the woman thought, looking at the scene in front of her. 'Only because she's like SHE', she thought, looking away from the redhead, 'Why am I trying to change it at all..?' she said under her breath. Unnoticed by the others, Agne heard what his Mother said, it surprised him, they looked at Mother, on her face there was a pure desire to murder, disgust, hurt, sadness and anger all rolled into one.

Her cool gaze was sharper than both of them put together, and it should be remembered that they were the potential threat, they were Yandere. Her eyes were dull, there was no emotion in them, nothing. Only nothingness, despite the emotions emanating from her and showing them on her face, her eyes remained dull, with no signs of feeling, as if they were dead

"Mom..." he said under his breath, at the same moment the redhead turned his attention to his sister. "My little sister!" the delighted man said, looking at the boy next to the pink-haired girl with surprise, he smiled.

The older man stared at his daughter and his 'grandson', smiling artificially, but genuinely enough for his son to believe that he was. "Exactly! Larina adopt- "

"Lorezo..." the older girl interrupted. 'Are their names especially on the same letter?' Thought the green-haired man, looking at his Mother to 'uncle'. "Have you forgotten that I am your Elder sister?" she said smiling, thus the smile from their men's faces faded. "N-no." he said with obvious displeasure, the atmosphere grew a little tense. "Anyway, I heard you are doing great in the army." Pink-haired quickly changed the subject, the siblings have always had a hard time getting along, even though it hadn't been so much before. "Ah, yes I ..." They talked for a long time, paying no attention to either Larina or Agne, at some point they decided to face each other.

At the moment the Duke was about to make the cut, orange-hair was faster and knocked the sword out of his hand. "Bravo, just like a member of the Migite family." with a pink-haired smile on his lips he couldn't stop praising him for many things, at one point both Larina and Agne stopped listening. At least it would seem so, until pink-hair approached them, "Lorezo" began coldly, thus interrupting their cheerful chat. "Fight me." she said, surprising them with it.

In one of the training fields, there was a blue-eyed woman with her hair tied back in a ponytail, and she was wearing a fairly light outfit. It was a uniform in a faded sea color fastened with golden buttons, the same color had skirts tied with a golden belt above the knee. Under the skirt there were shorts in a slightly darker shade than the rest of the outfit. There was a bow on her neck in the color of her eyes, and on her hands were white gloves, two swords stuck in the ground in front of her. "Miss Larina wants to fight Lord Lorezo?" a whisper broke out. "No chance against him!" someone else said in a mocking tone, "It'll be fun." summed up another. In the midst of them stood the duke and the green haired boy, both of them hearing the knights behind me laughing at her. "What are you thinking, my stupid daughter?" said pink-hair under his breath. 'I really hate these people' flashed through the mind of the youngest of them all. 'Mom won't lose to this clown,' he thought as he watched the redhead enter the training ground.

"You can always quit." he said with an innocent smirk, the girl sincerely hated him, that fake smile. He was wearing the standard Migite knight uniform, a dark navy blue uniform with gold embellishments. "It's very kind of you." she said, smiling back. But no." she answered harshly. "So good luck." he said, bowing as she reached for her sword. With one hand, she quickly took out my sword and I stood in a pose quite unusual for a swordsman. Well, it was not a position of any of the sword fighting styles, it was their style. "You'll need it more ~"

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