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"Lari, when did you learn to play?" Rose asked with that childish curiosity of hers.

This pure innocence,

How artificial

"I do a lot of different things in my spare time." she began to calmly look at the instrument in her hands. "I'm not always LOVELY." looking up, she winked at Serion, his expression colder. "And ... My mother loved it when I played, not only guitar but other instruments as well." These words brought a lot of nostalgia, the girl missed those times, but she knew well that they would never come back.

Meanwhile, Larina's father was standing outside the door, refusing to eavesdrop on his way to the office when he heard the sound of music. It was a surprise to him, since the death of her mother, Larina had not played or sang.

Tears streamed from the man's eyes... It reminded him of the old days, when Larina was still a child, she was a very joyful little girl with a good heart and an eternal smile. Unfortunately it ended too soon, they disappeared and they will never come back... "Just like you." He smiled through his tears and walked away.

"I should be back by now." he said, standing up. At the same moment, Larina put down her guitar. "Delio ~ We should go too." that false smile made the pink-haired nausea, but neither Delio nor the prince apparently realized it. "It was nice seeing you, Lari."

"You too." she turned on her heel and replied with a smile as fake as hers. The prince and Roselia then left, leaving Larina and Delia alone. "You play really well, Miss." he praised her with a smile that was not fake, it was the first time in a long time that anyone had smiled so sincerely in front of her, so she smiled too. 'When was the last time someone praised me for something, honestly praised me? Ah, when the Mother was still alive. '

"Glad to hear it, but I still need to practice. I haven't mastered the violin yet, I think it will take a while before I reach your abilities. " she said, praising his abilities that did charm her. "Thank you and good luck, Miss Migite." he said with a smirk and bowed, then passed the girl and left the room, but before he disappeared his eyes caught her attention. Those red, bloody eyes shone with a faint light.

She stood for a moment, still staring at the place where the black-haired man was standing a moment ago, when it reached her. 'I remember now!' At that moment she remembered where she had known his face, those eyes. 'The man who was always with Roselia, madly in love with her.'

"The one who killed their son and helped me get the poison." she fell silent, she could not believe her stupidity. "The first son, the original crown prince..."She smiled sincerely, madly, and finally had an ace! She discovered the king's greatest and most kept secrets. His 'beloved first son'.

Delios Omo

In the evening she was still sitting in the same room, so I ordered all my things to be moved to this room. You could say that it has become her little office, which no one has access to. The room was small, the walls were a light shade of orange. There was a wardrobe where she kept the most important things, a cream-colored sofa, a coffee table, a bookshelf, and of course a table with a lamp. She was sitting at the table with the open notebook, the same notebook as in the library. 'What do I know about this man?' She tried to recall memories, all the information I had about him, and there was little of it.

'He was always at Roselia's side, cool to others. His mother was poisoned. And he was thrown from his position as heir. 'In fact, no one really knew why he had been stripped of the title of prince, although officially he was accused of murdering his mother. She was sitting in a chair lost in her thoughts, and at that moment a damn important thing struck her. "Could he ... be the reason the men around Roselia were disappearing !?" The thought of it gave her her first chills, but it was gone quickly. After all, she had done worse things herself, and they hadn't really happened yet, yet. Now she had a chance to change everything, fix it, prevent the future, her death. 'If so, I could take advantage of it! But first, I have to make sure Yandere is really there. Only ... 'silence, no idea, although maybe the pink-haired woman had a chance to test the servitude of her theory' The banquet is taking place in two days! 'After this banquet, they found the young Count dead. Later, the first son of one of the marshals was killed. 'This could be my chance!'"Time to take the first step in my revenge, Oh ~

It will be fun ~

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