8. {1}

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"You'll need him more ~" she said, winking at him. His expression was priceless, he quickly returned to himself and grabbed the sword, he stood in a well-known position. "Since you are my sister, I will hold back." a wide, sinister smile appeared on her face, it made her laugh. "Okay," she said. "Because I will not ~" so sad that the boy did not understand the warning, pink-haired thought that, as an outstanding military man, he would understand "you will need him more". Apparently she overestimated her brother...

"What-" quickly rose into the air and, taking advantage of the opponent's distraction, kicked him out of a jump. Maybe he was protecting his organs and the whole chest, but he forgot about the sides. The boy flew sideways a good 5 meters, and she didn't hit that hard, and she didn't even use her full force.

There was total silence in the square, all the rumors, whispers and conversations died down, no one expected that a lady like her could do anything, and they certainly did not expect that she had enough strength to fight the strongest knight in the country, although on the face of one the person got a nasty smirk. Lorezo got to his feet and walked towards the girl, he jumped out and was about to attack her from above, when she took another figure blocking his attack.

And again, this time more aggressively, unfortunately he missed, she made a full turn like in a ballet and hit him with the blunt side of the sword. The boy landed on the ground, kicking her in the face. He tried to get up, but Larina stood on his spine, he was pinned to the ground with a loud groan.

She put her foot on the head of the redhead and rested her hand with the sword on her lap, leaning gently against his ear, "I told you," she said with a smile. "I will not hold back ~" the boy looked at his sister in horror, in his wildest dreams he would not expect that he would ever be afraid of her, he raised his hand up, which in their family and during sparring in the army was a sign of surrender myself.

"You won..." he stammered out, and the girl with a smile raised the blade up as a sign of victory, everyone around could not believe what had happened. A woman who had never wielded a sword before defeated the best swordsman in the capital and the country when he himself made basic mistakes.

"Lorezo!" two siblings saw their Father running towards them, Lorezo managed to get up, and Father was holding him as if he was going to die and was talking to him, Larina turned and headed towards the house. When she left their view, she stood for a moment and looked over her shoulder at the soppy scene behind me. Father praised him again for nothing ... Tears came to her eyes, and only one thought crossed her mind...

"I'll never be good enough huh? She said through her tears and let them run down her cheeks, she stood there for a moment, then wiped her tears away and walked on with an artificial, well-practiced smile.

It was already evening, Agne went to sleep, the only one proud of his Mother's victory, did not fail to congratulate her and rejoice with her. Currently, Larina, Lorezo oe and their father, we stood in the living room. "It really was something," he said with a smile, "I'm proud.'' The girl noticed that Father was still in clothes, quite strange, as the man normally changes to sleep right after supper, except if he still has important meetings that he did not have today. "Why are you in clothes?" she asked suspiciously, straight off the bridge. "You're not going to sleep?"

"I have something else to do. Goodbye and have a nice night, "he dodged and quickly vanished from sight. Lorezo followed suit and went to sleep. 'I have a strange feeling, the feeling that I forgot something.'

'Something is wrong. But why did he...' the girl stood thinking for so long, until she finally remembered. 'Tonight is THAT night.' When it hit her, she immediately went to the library, and ran at the perfect time.

{Author note} This chapter should be last week, excuse the delay.

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