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The girl woke up, but she couldn't see anything, and she wasn't able to say anything either. After that, she noticed that her arms and legs were tied, so the attacker caught up with her, although at first she thought he wanted to kill her rather than kidnap her, she felt relieved in a way. 'Why can't I see anything?'

"Mhhmmhhmhhm" she tried to say something, but without success, the material covered her mouth well so that she couldn't even say a word. "She woke up" a male voice, unknown to Larina, echoed through the room, harsh. "You see baby," he began, the voice different, lower, and older than the previous one. "So that you had no doubts, we kidnapped you on a contract."

At the same time, in the estate of the Migite family, the only son was staring at his father languishing in his eyes. Even though not a whole day has passed since Larina's disappearance, the pink-haired man is losing his mind more and more.

"Where is my daughter!" when he screamed, the younger man saw something unusual... his father was crying. It was really rare, he hardly ever cried, the only exception was the funeral of the boy's mother. "My little girl..."

The redhead looked at the elder one last time. 'Father, I'm sorry, but... I hope they kill her.' He then left without saying a word. As if he wasn't there at all, leaving his father alone in despair and helplessness,

a very cruel son.

This was the day the pink-haired duke should have died, Larina should have been accused of murder and locked up, framed by her own brother, to keep her from inheriting anything. All the misfortunes in Larina's life should begin on this day...

The only son of the Migite family, after he had left his father alone in his sorrows, had gone to town, just walking past the market, when he heard the boy with the newspapers calling out to people.

"Check this out! The latest news on breaking the engagement of Lady Larina and the Crown Prince!" The fact that it surprised him was hardly an indication, after all, no one but the royal family and the Migite family knew about breaking off the engagement, so how?

After reading the article and immediately returning from town, the young man immediately headed for the library, where his father was most likely hanging out, and he was right. "Father, look at this!" he shouted, seeing the pink-haired man. "You know very well that I don't read such things." he replied coldly. The boy involuntarily let go of the older comment near his ear and came closer to his father. "It's just that they write about breaking off the engagement." he said, handing over the newspaper.

When the elder heard this, he immediately reached for her and began to read. After a long moment of reading the article, his face showed guilt and disbelief mixed with rage. The boy was not sure what exactly was going on, for him the whole article was just a bunch of lies and gossip, but judging by his father's reaction he was wrong, it could not be any good. "I... She must have suffered because of me..." the elder had tears again, he threw the newspaper away without reading the entire article, and his son left him again.

Lorezo stood in the dining room until suddenly he heard a boy's voice. "Uncle." The man looked away and saw the green-haired boy, son of Larina. "Could you take me somewhere?" He agreed to the younger's request without much hesitation.

Lorezo stood in the dining room until suddenly he heard a boy's voice. "Uncle." The man looked away and saw a green-haired boy, Larina's son. "Could you take me somewhere?" He agreed to the younger's request without much hesitation.

The servants quickly prepared the carriage for them to set off. For the most part, they did not speak to each other, they did not even look, only the older one looked at the green-haired boy from time to time, he was intrigued by what was so in this boy that his heartless sister decided to adopt him and call him her son. They were halfway there when the younger finally spoke. "I know you hate my Mother." the words startled the elder, no less than the look he was giving him. "And I know you ordered to kidnap her." the older one smiled involuntarily, but he wondered how the boy could have known about it.

"Yes, that was me. What are you going to do with it? " the redhead decided to admit what this kid could do, and it was enough to scare the coachman to keep his mouth shut, the man felt unpunished at that moment. "You are just an ADOPTED baby. So who do you think you are? " the boy sat in silence for a moment, then declared with a smile on his face

"I am Agne Delivios, the first son of Larina Delivios." at the words spoken by the younger Lorezo he froze. These words reminded him of a situation from years ago, his first meeting with Larina.

There was a banquet at the Migite mansion, at which the Duke announced that he was going to get married again, as he already had a child with this woman, that child was Lorezo, an eight-year-old boy with red hair with half a cherry blossom fringe, just like his hair. his father and older sister. He was sitting under a tree crying. 'I'm not suitable for this.'

"I shouldn't be here." he said through tears, all the guests looked at him as a leper, only because he was an illegitimate child, the fruit of betrayal. "Why?" Suddenly he heard a girl's voice behind him, he looked away and saw a pink-haired girl older than him.

"Y-you are Duke Migite's Firstborn." he recognized her immediately, her hair was the same color as the Duke and her eyes a little darker than hiss. She sat down on the other side of the tree without saying anything, the young boy looked at her and couldn't resist asking. "W-why are you here?" The girl looked at the younger one coolly. "S-sorry if-"

"I don't like that kind of thing." she replied calmly, thereby changing positions. She put her hands up to her head and leaned against a tree, and one of her legs was placed on the protruding tree root. "Why are you nice to me?" he asked, wiping his tears away. "Because you are Lorezo Migite, First son of Duke Migite, and you are my little brother." she said smiling gently at the boy, he was maddened by it, he did not expect such an answer. It is true that he is the son of Duke, but only a NOT WEDDING child, from a treacherous relationship with the already deceased wife of Duke.

"Turn around" the girl ordered, the boy did what he wanted to lose? She grabbed his bangs, scooped them upwards, revealing the boy's other eye, which was the same color as hers. She had pinned his hair in such a way that it would not cover his eyes, and she had put on her own gloves, which were much too big for both her and him.

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