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Days later, at another party, Roselia was flirting again, with another victim of Delios. Comical really no one but the pink-haired woman noticed how artificial she is? Funny, Delios stood unequivocally showing his nervousness, he had to say that since the girl already knows what she is really like, she doesn't have to hide it. Only a few minutes later she had to look for him to make sure he hadn't done something. The girl entered the room and saw her licking the corners of her mouth with blood, looking at the dead body of the boy who was literally with Roselia a moment ago.

She sighed loudly, thus drawing his attention to herself. "Well, I'll have to live with this." she said with a shrug. To common people, her behavior might seem crazy, but that's what she needed. Madness... She needed this man for her plan, the more understanding she showed him, the more she convinced him.

Literally two days later, the funeral took place, pretty quickly, according to the girl, but she had no intention of criticizing. Roselia and the boy's father stood closest, crying. Father finished his sermon and left, and with him all the people except pink-haired and Roselia. "We will see you again somewhere in the afterlife." at the sound of these words coming out of her mouth, covered with artificial sadness, she felt sick. She sighed softly, then headed for the exit, but first she stopped next to Rosela for a moment. "Save your tears." She said in a whisper so that no one but them would hear, using a cool tone, "I know they're artificial anyway." without much explanation she just left. Just like that, without saying goodbye, she walked towards Delia. They were standing together at the entrance, he was looking at the girl just as she took off her mask for a moment.

"You deserved it and you know it's true." the feeling of guilt that was swirling somewhere inside the girl disappeared as soon as she saw the behavior of this ... What would you not name her. "You should be grateful that they call you an angel." The face of the man standing next to her was slightly red. Well, as they say, love is blind, both of them are good examples of this, and in the case of Yandere even very much. It was nonsense, no matter how much she tried, it wouldn't work anyway. "It's my fault, it's my fault." she said slowly, softly enough that no one but Delie would hear it. She sighed, resigned. "Well, I'll have to live with this." she said and started walking towards the exit. She was fed up, all she wanted was a hot bath and sleep. "What do you mean?" but the black-haired man's question stopped her. She opened her eyes and looked at the boy, her beautiful eyes shone bright light by the present sun rays, there was silence. Well, if she couldn't do it "gently" it means that she has to do it differently. She raised her hand and around the boy's neck there was a kind of "collar" with a chain, the other end of which was in a pink-hair hand, it was something that only she had, a gift inherited from the brand. If an outsider saw this, they would accuse her of being a witch and end up at the stake. But the truth is, it's kind of a skill that's been inherited from generation to generation. Her family is one great mystery, it was, is and will be "Remember that you belong to me now, Prince Delios."

'And this way, the worst events are behind us.' She let her hair down and washed off her makeup. 'But I feel a bit sorry for them.' She threw the gloves into the corner. How much can you carry it in your hands!? She stood in silence and thought slowly, letting her head think all kinds of thoughts. On her head, specifically on the bangs, there were highlights in the color of her eyes, she knew what it meant and that no one would even notice.

'After all, I gave them the idea to seduce Roselia. Come on, the initial assumptions were a bit different.' She winced slightly at the thought. Initially, Roselia was supposed to find a suitable candidate to get her off the stage. Well, he would probably have found her or a certain black-haired man killed later anyway. "But it's too late ... Now he is DEPENDENT on me ~" she smiled sadistically, how unpleasant she is not even fully aware of it.

There was a small mansion on the outskirts of the city, in the garden of which the black-haired former crown prince stood peacefully. He opened his eyes slowly and saw a butterfly flying towards him, he opened his hand. 'How...' The butterfly was the color of the eyes of a certain woman he knew, it landed on his hand, the man lost in thought clenched his fist, unknowingly killing the butterfly. 'How did she find out?' He opened his hand and watched as the remains of a butterfly fell to the ground. It wasn't on his arm, she knew who she was, WHAT she was and what happened to all those men "I should have killed her." he said, looking down at one of the gloves. She was in the blood... normal, by his standards a sight, in recent times he often had blood on his hands,

"But something's holding me back." he said, trying to analyze his situation. At first he helped her with small things, he became her dog because he was afraid that he might give it away. "And now ..." he raised his head and looked at the sky. It was beautiful spring weather. He didn't know why, for reasons he couldn't understand, he couldn't just kill her, even though it irritated him. While his latest discovery may have something to do with it, Larina Migite has witch's blood in her ... "I must obey her," he said under his breath and started inside. "Otherwise it could end badly in both cases ..."

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