Chapter 17

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After Sarah and Jasmine fixed my hair and dusted off my dress, we made our way out of my bedroom and down the many halls to get to the ballroom. I was nervous along the way, but I tried not to let it show as we walked through each empty corridor. I didn't really understand why I was nervous when I knew everyone was already waiting in the ballroom, but I still couldn't bring myself to let my guard down.

When we turned the final corner and I saw Sebastian standing there waiting for me, I quickened my pace and dashed over to him. He turned and smiled at me as I practically threw myself into his arms and felt the fear of being away from him fade.

I felt a light hand on my back and turned to see Sarah and Jasmine giving me both worried and reassuring smiles.

"We're going to head on in and let them know you're here. They'll announce you both, then you'll come inside."

I looked at Sarah curiously. "Why are they announcing us?"

Jasmine answered, "Because you're important, silly."

I gave a small smile back and nodded, then they both gave a small wave as they opened the doors and went into the ballroom.

As the doors closed behind them, my nerves about everything that was about to happen came back, and I hugged Sebastian tighter.

He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Chrystal, everyone has been asked to treat you as any other person. No one is to make you feel like a queen tonight. You are merely here to meet everyone."

I pulled away to look at him. "But Lisa said-"

"All of the guards have been made aware of the situation, and Lisa and I are not going to leave your side all night. You have nothing to fear, My Love."

I felt myself relax again and smile, nodding. Sebastian smiled back, then kissed me softly as I heard a guard call out, "Lady Chrystal Foster and Sir Sebastian Michaelis."

Sebastian pulled away, smiling even brighter. "Shall we, My Lady?"

I linked my arm with his and nodded, then watched as the doors opened before us and Sebastian led us into the grand ballroom.


The ballroom was large and decorated in black and gold, but I wasn't really paying attention to the decor. My eyes went straight to the large crowd of demons clapping as we entered the room.

I had never minded having lots of people watching me. I'd hosted enough parties as a human to be used to that. What made me freeze was their stares. Very few of the demons before me were hiding their red eyes from me. While most of them looked on with pleasant expressions, some were cold. I leaned closer to Sebastian as the pounding behind my eyes returned.

He then quickly led me down the steps and across the room to a small area that had been sectioned off. I barely noticed that Lisa was already there waiting for us.

"What's the matter?" she asked as Sebastian led me to the chair that was waiting for me.

No one answered her for a long moment as Sebastian knelt beside me, making sure I was alright. When he stood again, he was smiling.

"What?" Lisa asked him, clearly confused.

"You didn't feel that? While she was standing up there?"

Lisa's confusion disappeared. "That was..."

Sebastian nodded.

"What happened? What did you feel?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

Sebastian took my hands in his and gently pulled them away from my face. "The demon in you reacted to their stares and asserted its dominance. You pretty much silently confirmed who you are to them. I'm surprised they were all able to resist the urge to kneel to you."

"Probably because we told them to," a new, yet familiar voice spoke up.

I looked behind Sebastian to see Evan had allowed himself into our area of the ballroom. He was smiling. "That was pretty powerful. I'd be surprised if I wasn't already aware of your strength."

I couldn't help but smile at the compliment. I hadn't meant to do anything, but I guess this time it was something that needed to be done. Maybe all of the people here will trust me now.

The sensation behind my eyes grew, then, and I pulled my hands away from Sebastian to cover them. "What's happening?" I asked him.

He took my hands again, and I looked at him. "Don't cover them. They're beautiful." His eyes lit up then, glowing a brilliant crimson like everyone else's, and I finally understood what was happening.

"But why does it feel so strange?"

He released one of my hands to caress my cheek. I leaned into his touch as he answered. "It is still new to you. You will get used to the feeling with time, so much so that you won't even notice. Once you get to that point, we will teach you how to control it. For now, let it be. You needn't hide it from anyone here."

I nodded, and he smiled as he pulled away from me and stood. "Now, today you will be meeting as many of the people who work here in the castle as possible. Lisa will do most of the talking, and if she sees that they are not going to be loyal to you, they will be escorted out of the building by a guard and will not be allowed to return until they have changed their ways. I will stay beside you, and if you would like a break from speaking with people, just tell me and I'll make sure you have a moment."

I smiled and nodded, happy that Sebastian was going to stay with me and I wouldn't have to speak with anyone all that much. I just hoped I wouldn't accidentally do anything to ruin this.

Sebastian's smile grew, then he turned to Lisa and Evan. "Let tonight's festivities begin."

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