Chapter 20

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My surroundings were shrouded in darkness. My eyes were open, I knew they were, and yet I couldn't see a single thing.

I could feel things, though, like the shackles around my wrists and ankles. I immediately let out a sob, remembering that awful vision of being chained and forgetting Sebastian.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to pull myself together. I was not going to sit here, crying in the darkness. I had to get out.

I tugged on the chains on my wrists. They were strong, and the metal dug into my skin. It was then, when I tried to call for help and no sound left my mouth, I realized I was in a vision, and would simply have to wait it out.

After several long minutes, fear started creeping back in. What if this wasn't a vision? What if I was captured and chained and my voice was gone? This was the demon world, after all. I still wasn't sure of all the powers it possessed.

Sebastian, please, wake me up, I begged silently.

"As you wish."


I bolted upright as soon as I could move for myself. I immediately felt my wrists and sighed in relief when there were no chains, leaning against Sebastian who was sitting beside me. He wrapped his arms around me, and I felt myself calm down.

I eventually looked up to see everyone was in the room with us. Lisa, Evan, Sarah, and Jasmine were all watching me closely. I glanced away. "What happened?"

"You fell unconscious before that man could do anything to you. He was confused, and it gave Sebastian the opening to save you," Lisa answered.

"I guess it was a vision, then," I muttered to myself.

"What of?" Sebastian asked.

I leaned into him more, and he held me tighter. "I'm not sure. I was chained up somewhere and couldn't speak. And it was too dark to see anything. I just don't understand why I couldn't break out of it."

"Maybe it wanted you to see something else," Evan suggested. "For some reason, you got there a little early."

I shook my head. "I don't think so. Every vision I've had has started and ended where it was supposed to. There's always been a beginning and an end to the situation. For this, I was just chained in the dark with no way out. It didn't feel like anything was coming, either."

"Maybe we should enhance security, then," Sarah spoke up. "We could put more guards-"

"We don't have any more guards to spare," Lisa told her. "Everyone who is capable of helping is already doing so."

"But Chrys-" Jasmine tried.

"We will resume what we were doing before all of this. Someone will remain by her side until this matter is resolved." Lisa looked from Jasmine to me, then back again. "I understand how worried you are for her, and I promise we will do everything in our power to make sure nothing happens to her. Trust us, okay?"

Jasmine slowly nodded. Then, Lisa turned back to me. "You have some very loyal friends, Chrystal."

I smiled. "Yeah, I do."

She returned my smile, then turned to leave. "Evan and I have business to take care of, and we must inform all of the guards to stay more alert for the time being." She turned back to me then, "And thank you for going through with the ball. I'm glad my little plan didn't get you hurt." And with that, she and Evan left the room.

No more than three seconds after the door was closed behind them, Jasmine burst into tears and ran toward me. I pulled away from Sebastian as she latched onto me in a tight hug, sobbing.

"I was so scared, Chrys. I didn't want anything to happen to you! I thought this would all go away once you became a demon, and now you have to go through it all over again."

I held her tight, rubbing her back, trying to calm her down. "I know it's hard, Jasmine, I really didn't want to have to deal with it again, either. But now, I have you and Sarah who are able to help me, and I don't have to worry about protecting you when you have the power to protect yourselves. Of course, I'm still going to worry, but you both can handle yourselves now."

Jasmine sat up, her tears replaced by a look of determination. "Don't worry about us, Chrys. We'll protect ourselves. We have basic knowledge of what we can do, and it will be enough. So please, just worry about your own safety until this is all resolved!"

I gave her a big smile. "I'll hold you to that. Thank you."

She smiled brightly and hugged me again before backing away from me. "With that in mind, I better go see if I can practice some more. I need to be ready for anything!" She bolted out the door before I had a chance to reply.

Sarah sighed. "I'll go find her. She's been getting like this a lot lately whenever she's worried."

I nodded, and Sarah, too, left the room.

When the door was finally closed again, I returned to leaning on Sebastian. I loved my friends to death, but they could be a little exhausting.

"So what all really happened?" I asked him. "Were you able to contain any of the people who attacked us?"

Sebastian nodded. "Several of the guards were able to restrain some of them. They've been locked away for questioning. However, the one who attacked you managed to escape. I apologize for that."

"Don't," I told him, nuzzling up against him. "You protected me. Thank you."

He lowered his head to mine. "I will always protect you, My Love. You should know that by now."

I nodded, closing my eyes.

He chuckled lightly. "Are you tired?"

I shook my head. "I just want to lay like this for a while..."

He kissed the top of my head, smiling. "As you wish. Anything for you, My Love."

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