Chapter 7

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Sebastian carried me back to my room, and Jasmine followed us. Once we were inside, Sebastian dismissed himself for a moment, closing the door behind him.

"What is he doing?" I asked my friend. "What am I ready for?"

She shrugged. "I'm not sure. Maybe he knows of a better way to help you with your powers."

I turned my gaze back to the closed door. For some reason, I knew that wasn't right. He had gone to fetch something, but what?

We weren't left waiting long. A few minutes passed before the door opened again. Sebastian entered, holding something in his hands.

I stared at them. The candlelight reflected off the iron, and when Sebastian held them out to me, I knew they were significant.

"Swords?" I asked cautiously.

Both Jasmine and Sebastian dropped their gazes to the blades, and I continued to stare at them as well. They looked like normal twin blades.

"They were your mother's," Jasmine told me gently as I took the swords. "When she died, they were passed on to you like everything else. You decided to learn to use them, and Sebastian trained you to do so."

I looked up at him. "Really?"

Sebastian's expression was unreadable as he nodded. "You were actually quite skilled with them, far more than any other human I'd ever witnessed. I was hoping that if you saw them you may remember how to use them."

I returned my gaze to the swords in my hands and tried desperately to remember anything about them: using them, how to use them, seeing them around. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't. This was one memory that seemed to insist on staying locked away.

I could do nothing but turn my helpless gaze toward Sebastian.

He placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Do not worry yourself over it. I don't need you to remember them, I need you to relearn to fight with them."

I stared at him. "Sebastian, I don't think-"

A gentle hand on my arm stopped me mid sentence. I looked over to Jasmine, who was smiling encouragingly. "Just try, Chrystal. I'm sure at least how to use them will come back to you if you try."

I looked between her and the swords, then nodded. "I'll try."

Her smile widened. "Good. I'm going to go and see if I can help Lisa find the one who attacked you. Sebastian will be more helpful then I will be if he were to come back, anyway. I want to make myself useful somewhere."

I gave her a knowing smile and nodded again. "Alright. Be careful."

She hugged me tight and left the room with a wave, being sure to close the door securely behind her.

I turned to Sebastian, a new thought hitting me. "If he knows where my room is, then what's stopping him from coming back?"

He smiled. "Someone is going to come by very soon and change the outside lock, and only those of us with special keys will be able to come inside. And the door shall remain locked from the inside, preventing you from opening it to anyone."

"Even myself," I muttered.

His smile saddened. "Yes, but I believe what Lisa said is a wise idea. Someone should remain with you until this matter is resolved." His gaze on me was loving, and I believed everything he said. "I am going to remain here with you unless something urgent comes up. Should that happen, I will call one of your friends to come and stay until I can return."

My heart jumped happily at the idea of no longer being alone, and the fact that Sebastian was going to be staying with me. I needed him. I was lost, confused, and scared, and he was one of the only people I knew I could cling to if need be. I beamed at him. "I'm glad. Thank you."

"You should know I'd do anything for you, My Love," he said. "Now, let's work on teaching you to use those swords."


The bedroom we were in was large, so there was plenty of space for us to practice. I was surprised at how quickly I was able to learn to fight. It was like I had never forgotten how to hold my swords, or how to defend myself from Sebastian's oncoming attacks. The training we were doing felt familiar, and I smiled at the fact that my body remembered how to protect itself.

"You're doing well," Sebastian complimented after I dodged a punch he'd thrown at me.

I pushed my hair out of my face and smiled at him. "You aren't so bad yourself."

He straightened himself then, smoothing out his clothes. "I believe you've earned yourself a break. It's been several hours."

I blinked at him, lowering my swords. "Really?"

He nodded.

I lowered my head. There were no clocks or windows in my room. I hadn't known anything about the time since I woke up, other than the brightness of the candles. All I knew was what Sarah had told me. I'd been here roughly a week, and I was still nowhere near able to control my outbursts.

I relaxed myself and lowered my swords, taking several steps back until I was able to sit on the bed. I sat the swords beside me and looked at my hands. Staring back at me was the black mark on my wrist, my pale skin, and my inky black fingernails. "That's strange. I don't feel tired."

Sebastian came over and joined me on the bed. He sat beside me with a smile. "That would be because you have increased stamina now. I'm sure you would've been fine to continue, but as this is all still new, I don't want to push you too hard."

I nodded, not quite sure I understood, but I knew he wouldn't go into detail if I asked. He was so worried about overwhelming or hurting me. Had something happened before to make him this nervous, or was it simply what it meant to love someone? Had I ever worried this much for him?

I sighed, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Sebastian."

"Yes, My Love?"

"I want you to tell me everything."

He pulled away slightly. "Chrystal-"

"I don't care what Lisa says. I don't care if I get another headache. I want to know. I deserve to know. I don't want to sit around being useless and confused. There is a reason that man wanted me dead, and I have the right to know what that reason is."

"Of course you do, but-"

I pulled away and stared up at him. His eyes were wide, while mine were narrowed as I tried to convince him. "I've been here for a week, Sebastian. I'm tired of waiting around for my memories. Clearly, I need help."

Sebastian's expression changed to one of confusion. "You've been here much longer than a week, Chrystal."

I lost my determination at his remark. "But Sarah said-"

His face fell. "My Love, it's been about a week since you woke up. Before that, you were unconscious for several months."

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