Happy Pill | K.Sn

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Upon waking up, I had immediately been blinded by the morning sun, that shone through my white curtains. They weren't that thick after all, and were the most effective in the winter when it still would be dark when I would wake up.

I poked my tired head up over my blanket and glared straight at my window, where the curtains hung. I could never sleep when it was too light.

Seeing a leg, that surely wasn't mine, stick out from under my blanket immediately made me move my eyes up to Sunoo's face. I had let him stay the night. Today was his day off and he had come here straight after schedule yesterday. I knew he was working hard, so I wanted him to sleep.

And sleep he surely did. He looked pretty knocked out. Last night's face mask were still resting on his face, his hair stuck out and about, whilst one of his arms had made its way up and above his head. Lastly his mouth hung slightly open as light snores escaped it.

I let out a soft smile at the look before carefully reaching up and pulling the face mask off his face, resulting in his nose scrunching up. Cute.

I reached over and laid the dried facemask on my bedside table, before I felt an arm snake underneath my waist and another right ok the other side of my waist. I was pulled into a tight and warm embrace as Sunoo nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck and took a deep breath.

"Hmmm, Jasmine," he muttered, recognizing the sent of my soap. His voice sounded tired as he let out the deep breath he had pulled in, "did the light wake you?"

"Yeah," a soft sigh left my lips, realizing how much I missed my deep slumber.

"You need new curtains, those a rubbish," he reminded me and I let out a small laugh.

"Don't you dare diss my curtains," I remarked to him.

"I'll diss whatever I want," he quietly reminded me.

"I'm sorry for waking you up, it wasn't my intention," I apologized, making him pull his head away from my neck, before quickly flattening down his bangs. His eyes were still tired and puffy from his deep sleep.

"You would rather have continued to stare at my handsome face, instead of listening to my angelic voice?" He questioned me.

"To say you were handsome when sleeping would be a lie," I softly reminded him, making him roll his eyes at me, before reaching up and placing a hand behind my head, pulling me into a protective hold.

"I know you like my face," he spoke up and I nodded at him.

"I can't deny that," I silently breathed out.

"How long have you been awake?" He questioned and quickly rubbed his eyes before returning his hand to the back of my head.

"Only a few minutes," I assured him and began playing with the fabric of his shirt as he let out a tired hum.

"Can we just lay here for like... Half an hour more?" He questioned and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"We can lay here as long as you'd like. You have your day off," I happily reminded him.

"But you don't," he softly spoke.

"I can skip for one day. Say I got sick, and just spend the day in with you," I shrugged at him.

"I'd like that... Even though I shouldn't encourage you to skip school," he admitted and rubbed his thumb over the back of my head.

"Then let's just stay like this," I muttered and he hummed in agreement, before softly tilting my chin.

"I love you," he quietly reminded in a tired voice, as he looked deeply into my eyes.

"I love you too," I smiled warmly up at him, knowing very well that no one else would make me as happy as him. Even if it were limited how much time we could spend together on a daily basis. He always made me happy.

My little happy pill.

Words: 685

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