Can't You Hear Me | J.P

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"Class, we have a new student today," the teacher happily announced to her class, all of which sat with equally bored faces. The teacher happily opened the door and a girl stepped in, making some of the boys lift their heads from their hands as they stared at her, of course Park Jongseong, or Jay, was no exception to this, "please introduce yourself."

"Sorry?" the girl questioned as she stared hard at the teacher's lips.

"Introduce yourself," the teacher repeated and the girl hesitantly nodded, before she got a few snickers from the other classmates.

"Hello, I'm Yun Jihye," the girl bowed towards the class, before immediately snapping her head back and staring at the teacher's lips.

"Seriously, she is weird," some girl in the class commented and threw her hair over her shoulder.

"Very well, Jihye, you can sit by Jongseong," the teacher gestured down to Jay, who hesitantly lifted his hand.

The girl followed the teacher's arm with her eyes, before they landed on Jay, who seemed just as surprised as her. The girl slowly walked down to the back of the class, meanwhile there were snickers and whispers by everyone in the class, about how odd the new girl seemed.

"Hello," the girl quietly greeted as she bowed her head before sitting down and laying down her books.

Throughout the whole class she seemed to ignore Jay, whenever he spoke to her. She always sat and stared hard at the teacher's lips whenever she spoke. To be honest, Jay didn't really appreciate how she just ignored him like that, so in the lunch break he was gonna figure out what her problem was.

"So... what's your problem?" Jay questioned as he poked her shoulder, once the teacher had left the class.

"Huh?" the girl turned her head to look at him, "repeat," she demanded, directing her eyes down to his lips, giving him a slight uneasy feeling.

"What is your problem? Why did you ignore me?" he repeated to her, making her hesitantly nod before she looked up to meet his eyes. She had pretty eyes.

"I am deaf," she excused and did some gestures with her hands, before looking back down to his lips, as if she were waiting for a reply.

"Don't you need an interpreter, or something?" Jay eventually managed to ask, after a long silence. He had not expected that answer, in any way.

"I just read lips," the girl continued to speak as she did hand gestures.

"But you can talk," he pointed out to her, making a small smile spread on her lips as she read his. A small laugh escaped her mouth. It was pretty.

"I lost my hearing when I were 10," she continued to sign as she spoke.


"It doesn't matter."


"What are you doing sweetie?" Jay's mom poked her head into his room, as he sat in front of his computer trying to copy the gestures he saw on screen.

"Nothing," Jay immediately called out, before directing all his attention to the screen again, all until it got paused for him.

"Sign language?" his mother questioned and crossed her arms at him, "shouldn't you be doing homework instead?"

"A new girl started... she's deaf," Jay excused and started the video again, before her mom paused it once more, making him let out a small huff at her.

"Is she pretty?" his mom questioned, a small smile playing on her lips. Her son hesitantly nodded, making her smile grow even more, "don't let it affect your homework."

"I won't," Jay quietly muttered as his mom left and he continued to try and copy the handgestures.


A few weeks had passed, and so far Jay has only been able to have small talk with the new girl, that's pretty much all the talk she had in school anyways, so she enjoyed it quite a lot. 

When Jay entered the classroom this morning, she already sat in her seat and doodled on something in her book, she did that a lot in class. So whenever a question would be given to her, Jay would have to nudge her arm and she would ask the teacher to repeat. By now, even jay doubted the teachers knew she was deaf.

Upon reaching his seat, the girl hesitantly looked up at smile at him, before he took a deep breath and did a simple sign, which he had learnt over the past many weeks.

'How are you?'

To say that the girl was shocked, would be an understatement. Her eyes had widened for a short moment, before a grin had spread on her lips and she happily began signing away to him. This had quickly made Jay grab her wrists, before dragging his fingers over his non-dominant arm, signalling for her to slow down. This had made an apologetic expression appear on the girl's face.

"Sorry, I got excited," she sheepishly smiled, whilst signing it slowly to him.

'It's okay'

Jay had insisted on gettig by with his broken sign language for the rest of the day, whenever he would talk to her. She had happily replied each time, by boith speaking and doing the signs slowly, as a way for him to learn along with it. If he were able to put on sound on top of the gestures it made it easier for him to understand.

Only a few weeks might've passed, but after a day of signing together it seemed that the two have grown a lot closer to one another, and Jay could finally confirm that he had in fact fallen for the deaf girl in his class.


Search: How to sign 'I love you'|

Words: 950

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